Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
100 percent i would of 2 im soft as fuck but thats wrong i dont care if it was some one who es a complete cipunt n had it coming he was in cuffs man its fucked cuse mypy cuzen just became a cop in new zealend i swaer my cuz is a good bloke im sure head be one of the good ones but i fuken swaer if i found out he did something like that id be done with him tbf hes one of those people who come from a good home 2 great parents every opportunity its like what peuline hansone said about she got high on life but thay dont understand not every one comes from that some people have problems if ur not hurting any one u should be left alone hate all those do gooders


Well-Known Member
tbh i rekon thats how im gunna die im gunna get busted and im gunna be in a bad spot n nor pt co operate i know what im like once iv put my foot in my mouth fuck it mays as well keep going appready in trouble fuck em tjere dogs


Well-Known Member
not sure if i posted this here b4 but i acedentpy used boubke micro insted of bloom with the flora series re mixed at 8 mls of eatch 2 ten liters ec was 1.0 and ph was 5.8 cheering lol


Active Member
Agreed ..even tho I've been charged for roughing up a cop and getting the upper hand in America I woulda been shot for sure
Man there bad over there, power trippin mother fuckers. I was in a bar brawl a big one. I was grabbed from behind, didnt no it was a cop i hip tossed the cunt over me then got tackled by 3 others while the fourth stood there with the gun straight at me head. Thought i was a goner!

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Its not arguing when you call out fools like yourself and other dumb fucks that find info on YouTube or max yield then go around passing it of as hard facts,maybe if you paid some attention you would get more than $200 an ounce or have to flog of your shitty ethanol oil
I'm a fool now? lol
Hanging around cowboys at this course is not suiting your temperament.

The Bushmaster series was excellent to watch. It wasn't a "how to" vid.... Yes max yield is just an advertisement.
I do get more than $200 a oz...Seems like I get the same price as those in SA or in Bobs area. Good for you for getting such a high price for your gear. That's fantastic. Unfortunate the market here would say "its unreal gear Coco, the best but I can get two OZ's of really great gear for that money" or "if I spend a weeks pay on one Oz the wife will kill me"- remember we have the lowest weekly wage here. I'm not even sure why the cost here of pot makes me a "loser" but OK..the states market must be my fault...
I don't have to flog my quite nice hash oil. Its just a waste sitting there as it will take me years to get threw it as people don't have dab rigs here or vaps.

I don't want to spend the time mucking about with my soil like you do, and that's OK. No need for you to get upset about that. I'm happy with what I'm doing and my end results.

Have a cone, relax. Lifes good.
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Active Member
tbh i rekon thats how im gunna die im gunna get busted and im gunna be in a bad spot n nor pt co operate i know what im like once iv put my foot in my mouth fuck it mays as well keep going appready in trouble fuck em tjere dogs
I think you will be right over here mate! Have they ever drawn to kill here? I was watching that sydney siege a few years back, that shit was shamefully handled i thought it made us look real bad. Then the guy in the car in Melb running people down, they would have killed that mother fucker straight up back home! Why y'all 5,0 got guns if they wont use them to protect people other then themselves?

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
@Nugachino. One guy in that thread I posted earlier said this "insane in the membrane with my new QB boards. 1.1kw and it is looking to be the same yield as my last run with 2.2kw HPS, no kidding. 3+lbs with 1.1kw QB first run. I guess maybe that isn't great for experienced LED growers but it is awesome for me at 50% of watts"

Seems to be more and more going to them and having good things to say.


Well-Known Member
Im def going 2 get a qb not sure what shipping is but around 500 id be willing 2 save 4 one i have no clue what one will be best tho im guessing id want one that for veg and flower in stead of a dedicated flower or veg funds wiling maybie but i def wanna get one


Well-Known Member
im leaning towords temps then is a fun strain 100 percent do u have like a name for it yet or doas more work need 2 be done b4 u can give a name

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
@Lucky Luke . Probably won't be any time soon though. Not exactly sitting on mountains of cash atm. More like scraping up coins from round the vault... bills n shit.
I'm the same at the moment. Been a big couple of years and the wife has had an operation and wont be back to her part time job for awhile.
Also looking to scrimp together another OS holiday next year....may have to put that out to the year after.

I like the idea of a larger room and multi lights but realistically id probably never do one. Just not worth the risk/ reward for me. For some reason I just like looking at these multi QB grows. There is another thread going around he went from 1000w DE to QB and is pulling the same weight for 1/2 the watts or close to.


Well-Known Member
Word of warning if any of you guys are moving shit between states the feds are ramping up mail inspections like crazy, especially for shit coming into W.A. A mate of mine has had acid of all things intercepted twice in a row now and dealers are getting busted left right and center from parcels being intercepted


Well-Known Member
I like my Vero29 cobs. They do a great job of growing my crop of choice. I just think the QBs have better spread on both their light output and heat management.