Aussie Growers Thread

A guy I know did it in straight perlite for ages he did alright too,I did coco hempies I fucked them up a little by not draining them enough and it got a bit of a salt buildup but other than that they work pretty well.

I hope your mate was right about the Snow Lotus crosses View attachment 4008984

Hah! Fuck, nice one. In for a penny in for a pound eh? be interested to see how they go myself
was planning on going straight perlite or maybe 75/25 perlite/vermiculite. Theres lots of bugs around where I live and I think I'll have better luck if I keep all the veg matter out of the room. That's one of the reasons I'm ditching dirt inside.

I did a Hempy with bag seeds awhile back. Flood and drain. Worked really well.

Grower friend has one going at the moment, the growth rate is faster than soil thats for sure.

Im wondering if a Hempy SIP would work well...?
I did a Hempy with bag seeds awhile back. Flood and drain. Worked really well.

Grower friend has one going at the moment, the growth rate is faster than soil thats for sure.

Im wondering if a Hempy SIP would work well...?

Dont see why not - those autopots you can get are basically a sip of sorts I think (wick system anyway)? Not so much a hempy but really not far off in principle.
i thought hempy was the term for a vemiculite /perlite mix? Could be top watered, flood and drain whatever?
Nah a hempy bucket has no drain holes in the bottom and a big hole about 15 cm from the bottom that has a pipe in it,you can either fill the whole thing with perlite- vermiculite or straight perlite or fill to just above the drain/feed hole with perlite then fill the rest with coco or soil. You feed in through the pipe so the bottom section acts as a resvoir and also wicks up through the media