Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
BB - yer all weirdos too lol i just dont care if i look like one. it's very liberating.

i've always lacked the filter between brain and mouth, i blurt - it's condemned me to mediocrity in a professional sense but it's super fun the rest of the time lol


Active Member
Here is a pic of my last outdoor plant, (i gave the rest away) i dont know how to post up the thumb nail pics but here is a link to it.
I gave it a fim when it was about half the size it is there and done it again yesterday as the main branch started shooting up again.
I think i might supercrop on the weekend, what do you think?
thats 1 nice plant, Green and lush, what strain was it?:hump:


Active Member
thats 1 nice plant, Green and lush, what strain was it?:hump:
Thanks, its just a bagseed that im practicing the fim technique and trying to take clones from now.
About 2 weeks after sprouting i transfered into its 10 liter bucket and cheap home hardware potting mix.
Been giving it mg tomato plant food once a week and water with tap water every day which i recently found out has a ph of around 8. Now im feeding it twice a week with random plant food ive got laying around and it seems to like it. Im not too concernerd if it goes male either as its going to be by itself outside and then ill have pollen to play with lol.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know a cheap dentist in Melbourne?

After years growing sideways into nothing it appears my top left ingrown wisdom tooth has found my bottom jaw... ow. I dont even have any meds for the pain :'(


Well-Known Member
Anyone know a cheap dentist in Melbourne?

After years growing sideways into nothing it appears my top left ingrown wisdom tooth has found my bottom jaw... ow. I dont even have any meds for the pain :'(

hubby will take that out for ya mate, and you can have a toke of bubble hash for the pain lol


Well-Known Member
hey ninja, does that co2 dispenser that you posted smell very much? i am growing in my bedroom cupboard and want to know how bad does it smell. its got yeast so i know its going to smell but how bad?


Well-Known Member
hubby will take that out for ya mate, and you can have a toke of bubble hash for the pain lol

LOL I'd be impressed if he could.. you cant even see it! Bastard has grown horizontally... Looks funny in the x-ray though :D

Hmmmmmm hash.


Well-Known Member
he's an impressive guy lol very clever for a pom, haha.

i've nearly eaten through the bubble now, alas, it's the coolest shit i've ever smoked. mmmm


Well-Known Member
hey ninja, does that co2 dispenser that you posted smell very much? i am growing in my bedroom cupboard and want to know how bad does it smell. its got yeast so i know its going to smell but how bad?
it smells like lady undies on day 4


Well-Known Member
Thats disgusting.

My outdoor plant I gave to a mate to take care of will become hash by the looks of it. It had started out inside, and when put outside she went into flower probably a month ago. My mate didnt feed the poor thing though, so it's got like 4+ nodes of single bladed leaves and the buds are very thin and scattered. I gave it to another mate whos feeding it once every two days and its on the mend, but I'm thinking leave it for another month, chop it, and jus make hash (the buds are too small to bother trimming and smoking). Thoughts? This is a clone from the last bagseed I grew, and this shit just wont die/hermie.


Well-Known Member
fuck wisdom teeth, i got 2 rotton ones up the top, every now and then my gums swell down a bit and a nerve is exposed..... i thought i new what pain was...... then i got enlightened to what happens when a nerve in ur body is exposed and get shit touching it..... smoked most of my crop in a couple of days..... plus handfulls of different meds..... still laying there screaming on the lounge like a little bitch....


Well-Known Member
yeah knickers i got a couple outside that were bastardised by a storm and never really came back. they are gonna be hash

tooth pain is messed up, reminds me of givin birth lol both rather unmanagable.

eighty - you love it lol bring yer mates over, they'll think you've been scorin up big. my friends boyfriend makes her sit on his pillow everytime she goes away for work lol reminds him of her apparently lol


Well-Known Member
how much more taller will my plants grow once i put them into flower? do they level off or do they keep getting taller?


Well-Known Member
They'll double in size on averageish.

kmoo - She sits on his pillow? I like cunt as much as the next man, but I'd rather my pillow not smell at all. I have to ask, how long does she sit on it, and is she nekid at the time?


Well-Known Member
haha i dont mind cunt as a word but i dont like it in reference to fanny. anyway, of course she's nude man - ya shouldn't be able to stink it up with yer knickers on. no pun intended


Well-Known Member
I hate the word fanny. Its in the same pile as panties, moist, and anything else you can imagine a pedo with a lisp saying. Fanny, makes me feel like a sicko just typing it, it doesnt relate to the mature front bum, it's a word for children. Can we agree to use vag?

On a side note, I thought that $40mill tatts draw was on tonight, just say 1 lucky bastard won the whole thing. Fuck, should have been mine.


Well-Known Member
lol@pedo with a lisp - see the only blokes i've ever known to call it a cunt have been nasty pervs, so i guess we all have our own version of sexually icky.

vag it is, i will also reserve the right to use box on occasion. ha

i really dont like malcolm in the middle, the mum is rude