Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
what is it going to take?

a friend of mine reckons that bob carr just commited political suicide. It will take someone's kid to get hurt before anything will happen...

I always argue...'your kids have access to it now, why not regulate it in order to minimise their we do with every other medicine and drug.'
Exactly fucking right... if your kid wants to smoke mull they will! who knows dude how much it will take well see when it go's to debate!


Well-Known Member
beginning of the end?

hope so.

yo really like to post pics of that big bud cross...have you made your own thread for all your pics? Just would hate to see em all get lost in this thread due to it being more of a conversation thread than bucket it with photos etc.

ofcourse, i just love sharing :) i hope you guys don't mind, i'm obsessed with cannabis!!! its obvious i know...isnt that how you grow really dank erbs ?? ;)

gotta share, sharing is caring :)

my outdoor 12 inch high clone, packin on the resin hardcore, so much in fact, that bugs land and get stuck, im pickin the bastards out all day long! they are attracted to it as much as i am, and they die cause they cant get away!!!

spot the bugs ;)



Well-Known Member
say 'ome grown, u gonna sample my indoor or what!?? i think it's a must in the next few weeks, after a nice cure, i'd like to send you to the moon


Well-Known Member
grow is going awesome.

really impressed with morning glories atm. exactly the type of branching and structure im looking for. i think this will be my keeper strain from this grow.

i flipped em to flower though so this is where they will really get to prove themselves


Well-Known Member
its been a week now. i definitely noticed a marked differnece in nutrient uptake in the first 2 days of using it but after that it didnt seem to make much difference. definitely good stuff though.

im gonna mess around with it a bit next grow and see what sort of results i get using a small amount of that instead of ph down each res change. just on one of my plants as an experiment. i usually find after adding silica my ph is up around 7 and needs to be ph'd down so if i can use something beneficial like the xl instead of normal ph down it might be good. it wouldnt be much maybe like .5ml to 10l or something like that. who knows worth a shot i reckon


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i attempted my first graft tonight as well. im attempting to graft a morning glory branch onto my vk bonsai mum. fingers crossed.

the seedman

Active Member
so is this drug reform, debate going,,, to go anywhere? or will there be some new shit on the morning shows next week,

, or just as they trying to pass a bill, some liberal type voters will stick in there 2 cents, in and thats the end of it?


Well-Known Member
i seriously doubt anything will come of it but its nice to know support is growing. and that at least some people see the stupidity in the way we are doing things now.

wouldnt it be nice to be able to quit your job open up a cafe and grow some weed and do a little breeding and get paid for it and not have to worry about going to jail

the seedman

Active Member
i seriously doubt anything will come of it but its nice to know support is growing. and that at least some people see the stupidity in the way we are doing things now.

wouldnt it be nice to be able to quit your job open up a cafe and grow some weed and do a little breeding and get paid for it and not have to worry about going to jail

stop it bro, im getting a woody, just thinking about a cali styled down under


Well-Known Member
its been a week now. i definitely noticed a marked differnece in nutrient uptake in the first 2 days of using it but after that it didnt seem to make much difference. definitely good stuff though.

im gonna mess around with it a bit next grow and see what sort of results i get using a small amount of that instead of ph down each res change. just on one of my plants as an experiment. i usually find after adding silica my ph is up around 7 and needs to be ph'd down so if i can use something beneficial like the xl instead of normal ph down it might be good. it wouldnt be much maybe like .5ml to 10l or something like that. who knows worth a shot i reckon
lol, u crazy man, there is a big difference in ph downs phosphoric acid, compared to xl's , xl's is made from 99.99 % pure super phosphoric acid crystals, and i have been told it wouldn't be a good idea, as it's designed to burn the fine root hairs, kinda like giving it a good stress out before the flip to flower, i mean it would work as ph down, but for the price!! and purity, i'd save it for the once off acid burn, u may not see huge results just yet, but you wait until she starts to flower, u will see many new bud sites than usual, its like it lays dormant, then just explodes!, if you go back to my week 3 in my thread, the plant exploded in growth the week after XL, i guarantee it was the XL. i would put $ on that topic

edit: lush thick leaves there fiwh! beautiful and healthy


Well-Known Member
a little experimentation never hurt anybody.

i didnt see any signs of stress from any burning but i monitor my res twice a day for any changes and i definitely saw a marked increase in nutrient uptake in the first few hrs especially but mostly only for the first 2 days so its all good.

essentially xl is just a really pure and readily available source of purified phosphates.

either way i have nothing to lose by experimenting so why not push the limits and see where it goes. i personally doubt that it will bear much fruit because even my notes already show that it is an initial increase in uptake which quickly returned to normal and i suppose if prolonged use was beneficial cyco would just tell u to add it every week instead of just once but hell like i said nothing to lose.


Well-Known Member
oh and thanks for the compliment i though i lost them there for a minute but they have all come good. just another lesson learned and a very important one at that.

i will have it locked down tight next grow for sure.