Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
i dont know if ya seen sandlot kids when they have the smores? i grabbed a keloggs cereal version um some twizzlers some mountain dew volt hersheys choccie couple other things most of it was yuck twizzlers were fucked!


Well-Known Member
proper smores are crazy good man
they are like a little marshmallow bird that you heat up then u stick em on a biscuit with some chocolate and it all melts up and goes gooey. fuck yeah
. used to get heaps of american shit mailed over to me by a stripper i met lol

butterfingers and watchamacallits yum.


Well-Known Member
u can get the same effect by melting a marshmallow and sticking it on the chocolate side of a chocolate weaton. not quite as good though


Well-Known Member
oh dude i love everything! too many peanuts for my liking but most of the shit i like.. if it doesnt have artificial everything it aint american! FIWH iv'e never had true smores mate grabbed em one day but never had one looked cool tho these are tasty little suckers!


Well-Known Member
LOL yeh bro weird mofo's theyre watching us lol um fiwh you know how long i should isolate these clones from my cupboard after mites random question? cheers dude


Well-Known Member
yeh dude new to me learning too tell ya what! they look gone but fuck knows im a noob they could come back at any point... ive trimmed the affected leaves sprayed the fuck out of em cleaned em isloated them just want to go ahead to chuck em back in...


Well-Known Member
um eco pest oil from bunnings does mites aphids and few other things see how it go's caught em early luckily..


Well-Known Member
cool. set up my tent tonight its awesome. not shitty quality at all. stood inside with it zipped up and no light leaks at all. heaps reflective inside. i fucking love it


Well-Known Member
morning ladies. gotta say im loving the cyco nutes. i gave my little dutch delight girls a feed the other day and i gotta say i have never seen such green growth. they are almost too green its incredible. time will tell but its looking really good