Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
anyone elses plants still not really flowering yet? i got 3x 4ft tall hybrids with 2-3 weeks to go and 3x 7ft sativas that have fk all hair on in the only 1?im from melb btw.
probs, yeah, hey and a big congrats on being from Melbourne, thats worth a snickers and/or mars bar and ill throw in a star sticker !

LMAO, soz small, couldnt resist.

Let the sarcastic trolling rage begin bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yup, I humbly defer to your retard radar. LMAO Thought I saw potential for reason, somehow I got it worst? Sound reason on any special bus I guess.


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks 420 for the back-up… hahaha man im picture perfect compared to that cunt hahaha you got rocks in ya hed moyt? lol


Active Member
Heres food for thought, maybe shankae, Supa, Ome and toxer are all the same person bored shitless with nothing better to do than conversate between there alter personalities and fool others to thinking they are different people, all just for shits and giggles and to cure boredom ??? LOL


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7108963 said:
probs, yeah, hey and a big congrats on being from Melbourne, thats worth a snickers and/or mars bar and ill throw in a star sticker !

LMAO, soz small, couldnt resist.

Let the sarcastic trolling rage begin bongsmilie
dont eat junkfood, hate stickers...and poxy ww clones...

couldnt resist..


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7109035 said:
Heres food for thought, maybe shankae, Supa, Ome and toxer are all the same person bored shitless with nothing better to do than conversate between there alter personalities and fool others to thinking they are different people, all just for shits and giggles and to cure boredom ??? LOL
what youv never done that b4 ?


Active Member
There's 2 others and I reckon Supa and Shankae are suspect 1 & 2, though it could easily be omie and toxer, 3 & 4. Maybe SmugCunt can do an email search for us haha.
Hahaha No not me .This terry shit is getting a bit old ,would like to here from the cock smoker though,need a good chuckle

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
yo small closet grower...

my super silver haze outdoors has only just shown some hairs...going pretty slow.

As for you Haze and miaygi-san. Were I any other account on this forum, I would do such a better job of impersonating tezza.


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;7109035 said:
Heres food for thought, maybe shankae, Supa, Ome and toxer are all the same person bored shitless with nothing better to do than conversate between there alter personalities and fool others to thinking they are different people, all just for shits and giggles and to cure boredom ??? LOL
Ah, he's on to me. I mean them.