Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
fuck every kent got one of those rc heli's this year haha they go good bro!! um me a pair of vans and insight t-shirt rasta holding a board walking through a mass crop cool shirt too!! um shorts and shit clothes mainly… toking it up tonight!! gotta get a dehumidi too part chrissie pressie love the toys hehe


Well-Known Member
bummer. Thats the Rhino that looks good but is a bit disappointing this time. I've gone back to the ole PPP tonight and she's got me grinning.

The cap

Well-Known Member
Merry Christmas You C.U.N.T.S... hope everyone was good and Santa delivered..???
oh hello Jim Beam Can..... he he he..


Well-Known Member
yeah boys i got a bit spoilt this yr. the mrs went all out and got me a crazy fucking home theater system its nuts. shes going to be paying this thing off for yrs lol. just settling in for an all day quentin tarantino marathon to give it a good ol work out.


Well-Known Member
7.1 panasonic 1000w wireless speakers and shit. shits crazy. feeling a bit spoilt right now. all i got her was some new shoes for the gym and hand bag lol


Well-Known Member
fuck im hanging to get downstairs and spend some quality time with my girls. in laws leave today. hope they leave before my lights go out at 4

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Seasons greetings cannabis crew:)
Phwoar! You guys made out like bandits:)
Cap- keep your spirits up mate, Jim beam that is :)
Miyags thinkin about growing on crissy day haha
Ryan ya ledge, looking super-uber mate that is the picture of green happy health., I like the sounds of the de-humidi bra.
Forgets- spoilt big time mate
I'll chuck my hat in the ring with 'Merlin' series 1,2 on DVD,=me=stoned=60 inch=:)
Sending mass happy wishes to all!!
c,u,n,t out:)

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Gotta love the woman mate:) they do know our soft spot hahaha I held out all this time just cos I missed the first Ep on telly! hehe