Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
you are actually better off with the 600w skiz as it will be cheaper to run and more efficient than 2 400w lights not having a dig tricka just sayin lol
i was thinking bout getting another 400w but after researching if i upgrade my lighting i will get a 600w rather than running 2 400w lights
Hahaha dig all ya like mate its not my set up,,,and he knows it too, he will be upgrading to a 600w lumey that can be dialed down, tho he does have 12 in there at a time, my poor little clones couldnt get enough light from all the other foliage

Heres the final harvest pics that i forgot to post here from last week :roll:

View attachment 1562443
i still dont know the weight, im gonna weigh them up 2nite :fire:
thats right you do have plenty of smoke ;) looking nice

O no don't get me wrong Tricka, you hardly got fucking lemons mate lol. They still look great, was just being that extra degree of anal :P

800w!!!!!! I use a 600w and was told that its a little overkill? for memory you have the Digital ballast right?....lucky pr**k lol.

As for email.....just send a private message on here? lol
i cant as i dont have the software to load my pics up.... as i said no fruits yet :I, has has only been 6days since dunk and roll, there is a ton of new mycelium growth but no pinheads forming just yet, could take upto 3wks...i just have to make sure i keep on top of these fluctuating temps, cant find the sweet spot with the heat pad during the day, i might stuff around with hooking it up to a timer as the nights are cold but the days are still warm,
The cake has the whitest of white mycelium, fingers crossed ey' :lol:


Well-Known Member
oi trick ,yea nice tie down bro,my mini scrogs same age,i jus super crop the shit out of em,but the lst looks a bit more tidy lol


Active Member
oi trick ,yea nice tie down bro,my mini scrogs same age,i jus super crop the shit out of em,but the lst looks a bit more tidy lol
Thanks for popping over Doc ;)

Yeah dont worry mate i heard a few snaps in there hahaha! Thats why i gots the string to hold 3 of em back up :D


Active Member
hey tricka
stupid question but whats that youve got pics of sitting on the perlite ?
never seen it before....
Ahaa! that there my friend is a BRF-- brown rice flower cake that has the mycelium growth from a Wollongong golden top mushroom, A Psilocybe Cubensis to be exact.
I have been trying my hand at a bit of Mycology....tricky stuff if ya want to get technical....and it does lol not ;)

It has been through its colonization stage in where i inoculate it with viable spores into a jar that has had a sterile mix of BRF and vermiculite, a very beginners way of doing things, but none the less you gotta start somewhere, very few i know actually succeed to fruit them here in australia....but ima trying!!!


Active Member
Ahaa! that there my friend is a BRF-- brown rice flower cake that has the mycelium growth from a Wollongong golden top mushroom, A Psilocybe Cubensis to be exact.
I have been trying my hand at a bit of Mycology....tricky stuff if ya want to get technical....and it does lol not ;)

It has been through its colonization stage in where i inoculate it with viable spores into a jar that has had a sterile mix of BRF and vermiculite, a very beginners way of doing things, but none the less you gotta start somewhere, very few i know actually succeed to fruit them here in australia....but ima trying!!!
They seem to have a healthy innoc. with no contams so should be fine. Its all about the humidity and shit. I was going to order some spores for microscopy work as i would never dabble in growing them, but turns out the site i was going to use do not deliver to Australia. Wonder why? Well said site contained some spores that were from Australia and were meant to be piss easy.


Active Member
hey im in need of some assistance....... ive only ever cloned from a mother plant and ive decided too experiment with turning male and pollinated a different strain of female. i have an abundance of seeds now.

so my question is..... when do i know when the seeds are ready ?
do they go the brown/black color on the plant or do i pick them when they are still green and they turn dark once they have dried ?
any help/advice on this matter would be muchly appreciated :)

its strawberry kush crossed with blueberry


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just transplanted some seedlings from soil into a hydro setup , they got abit of shock it had taken 10days to see growth.what are the chances of me getting hermies from stress? it was just the 1 transplant but it was from "SOIL to Hyrdo" not hyrdo to soil so u can imagine the amount of shit i had to get off the roots.


Well-Known Member
hey im in need of some assistance....... ive only ever cloned from a mother plant and ive decided too experiment with turning male and pollinated a different strain of female. i have an abundance of seeds now.

so my question is..... when do i know when the seeds are ready ?
do they go the brown/black color on the plant or do i pick them when they are still green and they turn dark once they have dried ?
any help/advice on this matter would be muchly appreciated :)

its strawberry kush crossed with blueberry
dont pick them green, they will turn brown inside the seedpod.i just breed my own strain last month. pollinated 1 branch got 10seeds.only 3 germed but i did put them in water straight away, some people say to dry them out for a month


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just transplanted some seedlings from soil into a hydro setup , they got abit of shock it had taken 10days to see growth.what are the chances of me getting hermies from stress? it was just the 1 transplant but it was from "SOIL to Hyrdo" not hyrdo to soil so u can imagine the amount of shit i had to get off the roots.
prolly jus stunned,how old?most herms occur at weeks 3 and 4 a critical time in veg,keep em stable,no ph fluctuations,nute issues,temp spikes, light changes....add a week to veg and watch your nodes for tell tell nubs


Active Member
Question for the guys trying to grow mushies, why not just take a trip round a cow paddock old school style, really easy :)


Well-Known Member
Question for the guys trying to grow mushies, why not just take a trip round a cow paddock old school style, really easy :)
im with you og,nuttin like a good ol mushie hunt with a full moon,dont forget your wellies!

word to the wise,double up on your brewski purchase!


Active Member
sweet cheers dude.
do they take longer to mature than the buds ? the trichs are still clear, am half way through week 5 of flower still a while too go on these ones but some nice 12-16inch kolas


Active Member
Question for the guys trying to grow mushies, why not just take a trip round a cow paddock old school style, really easy :)
Because some of the most posionous toxins known to man that have an LD50 in the micro range are found in shrooms that look VERY similar to eadible shrooms :P

Its not wise to go out field picking with no knowledge.


Active Member
Question for the guys trying to grow mushies, why not just take a trip round a cow paddock old school style, really easy :)
Even tho i have done many missions before, those days are gone and cultivating is now on my agenda, In QLD where you are is perfect for feild mushies and some cubensis to grow, shit you might even find the beloved Copelandia cyanescens, but then again they might be inactive of the psilocyben you are so sort after, then all you are taking are all the other toxins they will produce. Your climate is more 'temperate than southern vic, also the particular grasses mixed with cow dung produce a shroom called Psilocybe semilanceata, these are all edible, but A: can you 100% defianetly know what species you are looking at, then a spore print is a must, not just for colour also for size in microns of the spores, this will take a very powerful mmicroscope, B: luckily i own one :D....juz becareful Ozzy thats all im saying, grab yourself the book 'The mushroom cultivator' by 'Paul Stamets' its a highly interesting read!

Because some of the most posionous toxins known to man that have an LD50 in the micro range are found in shrooms that look VERY similar to eadible shrooms :P

Its not wise to go out field picking with no knowledge.
A very wize answer Skizza ;)

and Doc, your so tuff you can go look for any mushroom with no wellies on hahaha,

EDIT: and Ozzy LD50 is a term meaning the median lethal dose of a toxin (or pathogen) that will require its dose to KILL off half of the specimen it was tested on...ya following me?


Well-Known Member
yeah sorta , u will know when they are near ready...the seedpods start to swell then they split and u see the white coating on the seed.i didnt pull my bitch out until all the pistils were all orange.


Active Member
Tis hard to really tell, id say there is still some sparkle which tells me there is still plenty of clear left, but its all up to you and how you like your harvest to be......

Nice and frosty none the less...well done, is that your Skunk#1?


Active Member
Even tho i have done many missions before, those days are gone and cultivating is now on my agenda, In QLD where you are is perfect for feild mushies and some cubensis to grow, shit you might even find the beloved Copelandia cyanescens, but then again they might be inactive of the psilocyben you are so sort after, then all you are taking are all the other toxins they will produce. Your climate is more 'temperate than southern vic, also the particular grasses mixed with cow dung produce a shroom called Psilocybe semilanceata, these are all edible, but A: can you 100% defianetly know what species you are looking at, then a spore print is a must, not just for colour also for size in microns of the spores, this will take a very powerful mmicroscope, B: luckily i own one :D....juz becareful Ozzy thats all im saying, grab yourself the book 'The mushroom cultivator' by 'Paul Stamets' its a highly interesting read!

A very wize answer Skizza ;)

and Doc, your so tuff you can go look for any mushroom with no wellies on hahaha,

EDIT: and Ozzy LD50 is a term meaning the median lethal dose of a toxin (or pathogen) that will require its dose to KILL off half of the specimen it was tested on...ya following me?

Dont worry, my days of running through cow paddocks, and trippin are over. Oh the memories :) And I had an experienced user teach me, and I could still to this day identify a golden top and a blue meanie no problem, I guess I was just lucky being in the right climate, with oodles of cow paddocks and mushies galore. Trippin is such a full on mind blowing experience, I loved it however its not something you can take long term without serious damage imo.

I do know its dangererous, but with the internet at our fingertips, even if you cant find someone who has experience to teach you, there is still ways to learn, however I totally get where your coming from, there is no room for error your way. :)