Aussie Growers Thread

Dam medium taking 9 days to dry out b4 watering. One plants drooping bad from wet feet too long. Should have added xtra perlite. Better not get root root
Id say spider but look real smallspiders you can see by eye.. if its broad mite is your new growth all eaten up?
Nah no twisted new growth this time round fairly sure i had brd mites while back, had all signs of them. Can see these crawlin about under the scope look like tiny spiders only affectin a few lower leaves here an there so far only signs are white spots on top side of the leaves
Nah no twisted new growth this time round fairly sure i had brd mites while back, had all signs of them. Can see these crawlin about under the scope look like tiny spiders only affectin a few lower leaves here an there so far only signs are white spots on top side of the leaves
Yeah sounds like spiders then good job on getting on them early
Howdy fellas/ladies, how's everybody keeping lately? I hope life's good for everybody. I haven't been around in about a week and it appears that I've missed quite a bit. It's crazy how fast this thread moves. Anyhow, I'll get to taking those pics while we still have a bit of daylight left. It's been overcast and raining all day so the pics may not be as sharp as they normally would. We'll just have to see I guess.
They feel like concrete no shit

OK, so I've just spent the last 15 minutes studying that photo of Bertha and I'm left with quite a few questions.

Is Bertha a first generation grow from seed? Because I'm seriously impressed by how even you've been able to train the canopy height of all of the colas on her plus filled out all that girth within a single season. Perhaps this was this a regenerative grow left to go again after last season's harvest? I'm astounded dude, truly astounded.

Do you mind if I pick your brain a little for a moment mate? Just keen to find out the particulars (only if you're comfortable with it, considering nobody really knows me around here yet!) of the grow. By that I mean just the standard kinds of questions like;
  • What's your soil comprised of?
  • What kind of nutrients (if any) do you feed her?
  • When time of year did you commence?
  • Are there any tricks/quirks that you've had to employ other than the training techniques you previously mentioned?
You've got the idea of what I mean, yeah??

I must apologise for putting you on the spot if you would rather to not discuss these sorts of things with me. I really didn't mean to turn this thing into an essay either, but believe it or not, this is the condensed version.
Just wondering whether or not there's any of my fellow Aussies that have been able to get access to any of the hyped strains that have been all the rage with the kids. I'm talking your Cali elite cutting only strains and what have you. I'm particularly trying to get my hands on genuine Sherbinski/Cookie Fam Gelato #45 and few other similar strains. Has anyone heard of these cuts floating around the Australian scene or am I kidding myself and wasting my time with this pursuit?
Btw, before anyone asks me why I'd even bother chasing this cut. I've paid $170 for 3.5g of real deal Sherbinski's Gelato #45, that's why! Shit, I've paid $140 for 3.5g of Sherbinski Gelato #41 PRE-ROLLS!! I know, I know! No weed's worth that kind of money and that was a fool hardy move on my behalf but that shit really was is in a league of it's own compared to the best of what the Australian market has ever had to offer me.