Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
oh yeah lol i'm not smokin my own atm i just got a q of lovely stuff off a friend lol it's all ground up and in an orange tupperware bowl, you can have a pic of it if you like tho bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
HAHA nah, ground weed is ground weed :)

On another note again, I put a deposit on a car yesterday! Hopefuly RWC etc come through fine so I can have it next week :D


Well-Known Member
so long as it's not a ford territory or something that looks just the same, then congrats! lol

and yeah, it was a very pretty bud before i minced her lol


Well-Known Member
just find posts asking if their plant is hermie and work your magic on them ninj, you could get blood from a stone you lol
Oils ain't Oils Km if ya know wat I mean.. If I take pollen from a Hermie then I will b passing on inferior genetics 2 it's offspring - that is the exact opposite of what I want to do..
I need a good male from good lineage..


Well-Known Member
i was just playin luv, i have no doubt you'll be able to rustle some up lol

i've decided to grow tomatoes hydro too, i use heaps of them. i'm gonna coco them lol


Well-Known Member
im tryin to put up a journal but the pictures aint loading ...does anyone know how to resize a picture using basic windows software?


Well-Known Member
MS Paint has a resize function. I'm using Windows 7 so my menus are prolly different, but it's in in one of the top menus.


Well-Known Member
haha even i've decided now that i dont think they're twins, it really does look like a case of two beans one pot. gonna have a better look when i transplant lol but yeah, i had no idea it was such a coveted thing and people get real pissy and think yer lying about it, WEIRD lol it all got a bit intense for me

i know what ya meant - ideally i should just move out to warburton and get a big greenhouse so i can grow as much veg/dope as i like! my stepdad just told me season has started a bit ago on them and i wanted the option of putting them outdoors so i dont know if i will now. i'm definitely gonna make my own passata (italian pasta sauce for anyone who doesn't know) tho, i found these cool preserving jars and i'll use fresh basil and garlic, should be good

oooh my broad beans i planted ages ago are comin through a treat! loads of them coming in, and the lemon tree can barely hold itself up. ninj, you need to pm me that thing i asked you for in my last msg, if u get me lol aight