Aussie Growers Thread

Everytime the missus is close to workin out how fukd i am. Ill get her knockd up so she has something else to focus on, she hasn left so it must be workin

Mate im raging fkn lunatic literally.
3 metal plates in ya head no sinuses an a few bone grafts will do that to ya.
Was angry before but now im a fkn nutta.
Pretty much why i got back into smoking to chill me out.
24/7 headache
Facial reconstruction from a car accident on my 30th b day needless to say i wont be posting any selfies.
Mate im raging fkn lunatic literally.
3 metal plates in ya head no sinuses an a few bone grafts will do that to ya.
Was angry before but now im a fkn nutta.
Pretty much why i got back into smoking to chill me out.
24/7 headache
Was this before or after they removed that second head off ya shoulder...

Im only playin sounds like ya have had yaself a bad run.. Fuk dealin with headaches 24/7
Was this before or after they removed that second head off ya shoulder...

Im only playin sounds like ya have had yaself a bad run.. Fuk dealin with headaches 24/7
Yeah they chopped it off only left me with half of 1.

All good mate part of life.
Better than the shit drs give ya
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Here’s a pic of a purple gorilla auto I chopped about a week ago.
In this photo she was about 2.5 to 3 weeks from chop? Unfortunately haven’t got any close ups or close to chop but she was probably the frostiest auto I’ve grown!
She really swelled up in the last week and I got just under 2.5 ozs of quality bud.
Roughly 8 hours of direct sun a day grown in 100% coco.
I accidentally topped her thinking it was one of the photoperiods, which slowed down veg growth slightly.
I think if grown under 18 or 20 hours of light and Untopped, she could be a big yielded!?
Awesome strain, and was fairly low odour when growing but smelt very nice!
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Nice auto. Did you grow it outdoors from a seedling
Oh, really?
haha :oops:
Wow, I had no idea that was the vibe.
I really am clueless, I guess.

Nah, I don't think that was the purpose in posting her photo.
She has no interest in me, nor should she. I'm married 22yrs.
Besides, you don't try to pick up women with 'hi, I'm mentally ill'.
I hear that doesn't work too well. :D
Who said anything about interest Mr priest
Was just asking where ya pic of your ugly mug was :o