Looks very sativa dominant. I wonder if putting her in the dark for 24 hours would trigger her?? Otherwise she’s only going to grow bigger and yield more!?Yeah it could vary from variety of cannabis strains. No clue as to what this is as it's just bag seed.
Dam that would suck if it grew bigger an yeilded more.. I would hate to have a problem like thatLooks very sativa dominant. I wonder if putting her in the dark for 24 hours would trigger her?? Otherwise she’s only going to grow bigger and yield more!?
@OzyM8 You ever tried the dry ice way of making hash?
Wasn around any of the gold seal hash, but allot of the older blokes i know speak highly of the quality of hash that they used to get.
Fair enough Ozy sounds like you have it sorted..No mate, not with dry ice. Just with normal ice, water, paint mixer in the old electric drill and bags. If the product in was good, made some really nice hash.
Also used to make it with kief, and hand press and roll it, mix a bit of thick home made RSO with it. Messy way of doing it and hands would stink for days. Made some really nice putty though.
Yeah, gold seal was the best, then the blonde.
Fair enough Ozy sounds like you have it sorted..
Never made it myself thats why i wanna give the dry ice a crack looks quick an easy.
Why does Australia have to be such a babysitting with bubble wrap country its a fkn joke. I always knew I shoulda dedicat3d and educated my way into politics and parliament. Seriously what I would give to be blazed as fuck in the House of Reps in the house of Parliament standing up and shredding those fkn overpaid rats with nothing more than the most pure verbal intellectual dot point by dot point arguments using only the finest in extensive vocabularies. All none the wiser as after 15 years of smoking i am high but no on3 els3 knows unless i want em to. Conditioning u may say anyway 420 represent and Australia fFs I say let this country boom and bloom!
Use dipel on caterpillars. Neem won’t effect them much.beernutz recommended Maverick to me Close to 2 weeks ago. Just started to get tiny caterpillars. I sprayed plants down twice with it and haven’t seen one since. It good stuff.
If I stuck to neem then I’d still be out their tryna keep them at bay I reckon![]()
Best outdoor grow iv ever seen and soo happy to hear that I love growing marajuana seed bank is your supported seed website thank youWhy does Australia have to be such a babysitting with bubble wrap country its a fkn joke. I always knew I shoulda dedicat3d and educated my way into politics and parliament. Seriously what I would give to be blazed as fuck in the House of Reps in the house of Parliament standing up and shredding those fkn overpaid rats with nothing more than the most pure verbal intellectual dot point by dot point arguments using only the finest in extensive vocabularies. All none the wiser as after 15 years of smoking i am high but no on3 els3 knows unless i want em to. Conditioning u may say anyway 420 represent and Australia fFs I say let this country boom and bloom!
I just went out to hand-water the bush girls (trudging up & down the hill multiple times with a watering can is getting somewhat tiresome - I wish the bastards I ordered IBC plumbing fittings from would fucking deliver so I can just turn a tap on & walk away for an hour.....I’m so glad you put it outside man that’s awesome. I new this cut was gold have any other plants got it or just the one?
I just went out to hand-water the bush girls (trudging up & down the hill multiple times with a watering can is getting somewhat tiresome - I wish the bastards I ordered IBC plumbing fittings from would fucking deliver so I can just turn a tap on & walk away for an hour.....) & noticed the same colouration starting to show on them as well.
I originally thought it was just an environmental change for the one plant (from a warm, humid tent on 12/12 to outside under current sunshine), but it's showing in all of them, which I'm guessing can only be genetic. Are you getting anything similar (since they all came from the same mother)?
@beernutz reckons it's unusual for IB (3 seasons' experience), so if you're not getting the same thing, it can only be something I'm doing differently.
I'm not overly-fussed about it, as long as the plants are healthy. Apparently, colours have "bag-appeal" (If I was intending to sell it, which I'm not).
On another note, I noticed some nascent male pollen sacks on the most advanced girl this arvo. 'Can't get decent photo's due to the wind.
They're ONLY on the branch that I sprayed with CS. I thought The stuff I used was sub-standard, so stopped applying it, but it seems to have worked (after a fashion), but nothing really impressive.
I've got her next to another mature IB & Gelato OG.
I'm now tossing-up:
1. Let her ride & see what happens. Maybe the pollen sacks won't mature & the female aspects will just override within the buds?
2. If the male pollen sacks mature, I'm looking at an IB x Gelato OG.
2. Chop the entire branch & cut my losses.
This is one time where I'm actually soliciting informed/experienced advice from the cogniscenti.
Best outdoor grow iv ever seen and soo happy to hear that I love growing marajuana seed bank is your supported seed website thank you