Aussie Growers Thread

Damn, check out how much an inspection is!

“Those fees are set at $470 per hour per person conducting the inspection.

fuck yeah at that hourly rate where do I sign up.

Yeah that’s the kind of bullshit we don’t want but will probably get which will restrict the game to big pharma
“Yeah that’s the kind of bullshit we don’t want but will probably get which will restrict the game to big pharma

Yep, let alone the cost of clinical trails and working with a flower that requires repeatable consistent results across all cannabinoids.
You should see the cost of a research grade room...mind blowing.
Damn, check out how much an inspection is!

we should all join forces as a co-op and crowd fund the all fees :weed: and after the first one is set up, then role out a grow in each state


but thats whats wrong, with us stonners, nobody can get that focused, and as said b4 big companies, will be in it for the wrong reason
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Way I personally see it, is being licensed for commercial sale is part of taking responsibility for your own product.
It's also a display of competency for the consumer and that a business is aware of law and regulations.
Like a house falling down from a structural fault and the builder taking responsibility. Or a restaurant poisoning their guests. Cannabis suppliers need to display the same level of care.

But far out license / inspection fees are a total joke. Way too high in general.

Also, I have to say I'm not a fan of dirt cheap pot, like in the States.
Imho, it should be heavily taxed for the consumer. Unless also a patient.
Tax the shit out of it, like tobacco. This would make it more difficult for underage users to afford.
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did scomo read me office works post yesterday, he's shutting the boarders, should have done it sooner tho imo
All good to tax the crap outta it and have age restrictions for recreational uses cause no doubt thats how it will be anyway. But from a medical side of it theres been plenty of kids with medical conditions that only have found quality of life threw medicinal cannabis treatments the goverment have made it almost impossible for anyone to afford the costs of it. And as long as the goverment are expecting local grow businesses to pay those sorta dollars to produce medicinal weed the people that actually need it for quality of life will be the ones most outta pocket
All good to tax the crap outta it and have age restrictions for recreational uses cause no doubt thats how it will be anyway. But from a medical side of it theres been plenty of kids with medical conditions that only have found quality of life threw medicinal cannabis treatments the goverment have made it almost impossible for anyone to afford the costs of it. And as long as the goverment are expecting local grow businesses to pay those sorta dollars to produce medicinal weed the people that actually need it for quality of life will be the ones most outta pocket

Agreed 100% :peace:
Almost every third or fourth house around me has a roadside doing avocados and mangoes. Doubt any of them have a permit of any description.

I remember back in the day roadsides for fresh crays in Tassie...mmmmm Crayfish..drools!
mango one would be awesome!
they are back (crayfish carts) China isnt taking them but the fkn fishoes still want $70 a kilo..
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Almost every third or fourth house around me has a roadside doing avocados and mangoes. Doubt any of them have a permit of any description.

I remember back in the day roadsides for fresh crays in Tassie...mmmmm Crayfish..drools!
I go past a guys house everyday. he has a double block and uses the second block as a vegie plant propogation sideline to boost his pension. 4 wheel barrows full of plants at $5-$15 each and a bench with vegie box's on them. Immaculate lawns and gardens and healthy looking plants (no tap roots of cause). Got some Rose Jam of him a couple weeks ago to try. Very sweet (to sweet for me)
While those costs are rude as fuk surely the prices for the average person that is tryin to gain acces to medicinal cannabis has to be allot more affordable?
but why would the people paying all that money want you to be able to grow it for cheap/free?

One of the guys on here from WA was going the medical route and if memory serves was about $600 an oz. Dont quote me though.
I know when my mother inlaw inquired about it for her cancer everyone at her chemo was taking cannabis in one form or another but everyone was black market. Was just to hard to get approvel for- we didnt even get into price as it was free for me to do the capsules for her.