Aussie Growers Thread

Here's what's going to sound like a Noob question for those of you growing indoors under lights, but this has been bugging me for a couple of days & thought I'd throw it out there to the brains-trust. I've got my own ideas on the answer, but wanted to bounce it off some others for opinion/clarification:

Switching from 18/6 in Veg to 12/12 will initiate flowering. Got that.

However, once flowering has been initiated, why not increase the lighting schedule back up to something more mediocre (like 14/10) that could encourage the flowers to get bigger?

I'm guessing it'll increase vegetative growth, but if the plant has already started to produce flowers, wouldn't that just encourage bigger flowers?

I'm thinking down-side is that the buds will get bigger, but not as dense?

'Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.

Be gentle with me, I'm trying to get my head around this indoor stuff that I've got no experience-of.

do some research on daily light integral. There’s actually a bunch of people getting around who think the traditional 12/12 flower is too much light, same as the traditional 18/6 veg (they suggest something like 12/4/2/6)
Less of the excuses, Bro. We're all learning off each other here. Trust yourself to do the right thing.

If you're experienced with LST, then you shouldn't have any problem with getting everything with that girl spread-out into a SCROG.


Yeah your right cousin. Giving it a red hot crack can't you see!
gg#4 is clone only. There’s no such thing as legit seed. Anyone telling you otherwise is pulling ya leg
Ahh true, well fuck knows. They never specifically said either way but did show me some beautiful looking plants. I'll see if its any good in about 8 weeks time i suppose.
Ahh true, well fuck knows. They never specifically said either way but did show me some beautiful looking plants. I'll see if its any good in about 8 weeks time i suppose.

be aware gg#4 is prove to herming so anything that’s been bred from it will share that trait.
No man. Don't mess with the light cycle once they are flowering. Give them the full 12 hours of darkness once you flip. You don't want them trying to reveg, or to stress them out too much.
Yeah, I get that. Just asking the "sciency" question as to "why" or "why not?" when it comes to artificial light regimes. I'm new to this indoor stuff, remember... I normally do stuff outdoors, but I'm trying to learn new things/techniques.

Would a minimal change to (nominally) 14/10 really have THAT much of an impact? An extra 2 hrs/day would actually "stress" them? Why? What would be the upside/downside?

'Genuine question that's been in my head recently & I'm seeking credible responses that will convince me one way or another.
Hence why I can't get ordering some of my own off my mind, but also can't gather the stones to do it.

not sure what the penalty is in nz but here in the strict state I’d get a slap on the wrist at most and probably only a letter from customs saying they seized my package. The main risk is sending to an address your growing at and getting a knock on the door with a warrant.
Yeah, I get that. Just asking the "sciency" question as to "why" or "why not?" when it comes to artificial light regimes. I'm new to this indoor stuff, remember... I normally do stuff outdoors, but I'm trying to learn new things/techniques.

Would a minimal change to (nominally) 14/10 really have THAT much of an impact? An extra 2 hrs/day would actually "stress" them? Why? What would be the upside/downside?

'Genuine question that's been in my head recently & I'm seeking credible responses that will convince me one way or another.
Much like humans, plants have an internal clock. After all, you’ll notice that your body automatically wakes up in the morning and gets tired during the day, encouraging you to rest. Maintaining this rhythm (known as the circadian rhythm) is key to ensuring our bodies function properly.
For plants, following a strict rhythm is just as important. First and foremost, plants use this internal clock in order to regulate their energy levels and metabolism to ensure they can make it through the night. However, plants also use their internal clock to detect what time of year it is and when to flower.
For cannabis plants, this rhythm becomes extremely important during the flowering cycle. Disruptions to a plant’s dark period can stress the plant and can actually reverse it back into the vegetative state or worse.
Alternatively, light stress can also lead to hermaphroditism. Female cannabis plants can develop male traits in order to pollinate their own flowers if they see that the conditions might be too difficult to flower in.

Just came up with that now, didn't copy paste at all.
Yeah, I get that. Just asking the "sciency" question as to "why" or "why not?" when it comes to artificial light regimes. I'm new to this indoor stuff, remember... I normally do stuff outdoors, but I'm trying to learn new things/techniques.

Would a minimal change to (nominally) 14/10 really have THAT much of an impact? An extra 2 hrs/day would actually "stress" them? Why? What would be the upside/downside?

'Genuine question that's been in my head recently & I'm seeking credible responses that will convince me one way or another.
if ur adjusting the light cycle to more hrs of darkness then it wont stress a flowering plant at all. Lots say it speeds up the finish
Yeah, I get that. Just asking the "sciency" question as to "why" or "why not?" when it comes to artificial light regimes. I'm new to this indoor stuff, remember... I normally do stuff outdoors, but I'm trying to learn new things/techniques.

Would a minimal change to (nominally) 14/10 really have THAT much of an impact? An extra 2 hrs/day would actually "stress" them? Why? What would be the upside/downside?

'Genuine question that's been in my head recently & I'm seeking credible responses that will convince me one way or another.

outdoor plants rarely receive 14 hours + of light and only for a few weeks.
not sure what the penalty is in nz but here in the strict state I’d get a slap on the wrist at most and probably only a letter from customs saying they seized my package. The main risk is sending to an address your growing at and getting a knock on the door with a warrant.
Yeah that is my main concern. I believe the penalty would be very minor. But i also don't want to throw any relatives under the bus and have them showing up at there door or some shit. Probably 7 years of smoking daily has made me a bit paranoid.