Aussie Growers Thread

No one wants to come here because there’s so much bullshit so many people have messaged me about how shit the thread looks. Got like 6 Aussie’s that won’t even be associated with this thread that are good fucken growers. That would contribute to this thread but don’t like the bullshit. Like every time there’s an argument someone reaches for the sock draw. They don’t even tell people there Aussie on here and told me to keep it to myself.
This all comes from you Luke and your mates and others also and the drama that you guys thrive on. So to take some ownership yourself mate. I get I have only been here not even 2 months but I didn’t know anyone previous so this an unbiased opinion. I also know that some shits been going on between people for ages long before I was here. I ain’t going back threw the thread to find out though. I think you have good grow skills and you know your shit Luke sad that use won’t let the thread grow.
Look what happened to your Aussie growers thread on the grass city I don’t won’t that here. Don’t take this as an attack just giving you my opinion.
I guess what u need to understand luke is that when I decide I’m going to do something I want to do it with as much knowledge as possible Before I even make an attempt.
I had never grown anything from a seed before and I asked twice cos the first time I didn’t end up doing it. And ill say it was easy as all hell. I put them into a shot glass of tap water and into a dark spot. 24 hrs later 2 from 4 popped. 36hrs later 3rd one popped and the 4th one got binned. I had already wet my coco up same time I put them in the water so it would be perfectly moist but not Wet by the the time they were ready. Then I asked if tap root goes up down sideways. Planted and had 3 babies however many hours after. Too fucking easy. I say regular seeds aren’t for me cos I do t like the waiting on sex game.
But yeah I’d agree with “consistency” being a major qualifying factor. Apart from that nature+nurture+genetics and anyone can be a fantastic grower.
This gets posted every now and again and is just all double dutch to me. Wish it wasn't.
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Chemical relationships and bioavailability is an interesting topic, this is a good read if you can be fucked

If i were to define a great grower, I'd specify repeatability, consistency, good understanding of agronomy & biology.
I think we've all got most of this covered after 2-3 grow attempts
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No one wants to come here because there’s so much bullshit so many people have messaged me about how shit the thread looks. Got like 6 Aussie’s that won’t even be associated with this thread that are good fucken growers. That would contribute to this thread but don’t like the bullshit. Like every time there’s an argument someone reaches for the sock draw. They don’t even tell people there Aussie on here and told me to keep it to myself.
This all comes from you Luke and your mates and others also and the drama that you guys thrive on. So to take some ownership yourself mate. I get I have only been here not even 2 months but I didn’t know anyone previous so this an unbiased opinion. I also know that some shits been going on between people for ages long before I was here. I ain’t going back threw the thread to find out though. I think you have good grow skills and you know your shit Luke sad that use won’t let the thread grow.
Look what happened to your Aussie growers thread on the grass city I don’t won’t that here. Don’t take this as an attack just giving you my opinion.
Just for the record, I don't have a sock. Not sure why your commenting on stuff that happened before you were here and goes back a long time. I do take some ownership, I stood on th fence for close to 6 months before I chose a side- glad I took the side I did. If someone is going to attempt to insult me im going to stand up for myself. Seems to happen a fair bit lately and happened again today for no reason #80066.
Wont let the thread grow? ya kidding? Im probably the most active person on here trying to help any that ask a Q I can answer. Including Venus's Q's in a matter of fact way.
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Chemical relationships and bioavailability is an interesting topic, this is a good read if you can be fucked

If i were to define a great grower, I'd specify repeatability, consistency, good understanding of agronomy & biology.
I think we've all got most of this covered after 2-3 grow attempts
see I struggle with that stuff. Jelly of people who just "get it"
and why would u want people banned for? I think 2 was 2 to many.
Why are you reporting them for?

What are you on about your delusional

Go cry to ya mates.

You deserved everything you get

I ain’t said shit about any of this crap you all started arguing with yaselfs then left here sooking.

So why are you here? Just to stir shit an be s fuck wit
Just for the record, I don't have a sock. Not sure why your commenting on stuff that happened before you were here and goes back a long time. If someone is going to attempt to insult me im going to stand up for myself. Seems to happen a fair bit lately and happened again today for no reason #80066.
Wont let the thread grow? ya kidding? Im probably the most active person on here trying to help any that ask a Q I can answer. Including Venus's Q's in a matter of fact way.
I didn’t comment on anything that happened I said that stuff had happened and that I don’t care. Because it’s not worth reading. I’m just letting you know my opinion on the thread since I’ve been here and seems to be all these new members that join for a day and start drama with others but have your back. I don’t believe in coincidences. That’s old members been dicks or socks.
As for helping I never said you didn’t help with knowledge your a fucking encyclopaedia bro and you do help everyone with there weed questions. Then 5 minutes later your been condescending and bitching about it like it’s a real pain in the ass and that this thread is shit now and it should be heaps better and having more intellectual conversations about growing weed. That’s like me saying to you stop talking all this advanced growing shit and dumb it down for us your ruining the thread.
Chemical relationships and bioavailability is an interesting topic, this is a good read if you can be fucked

If i were to define a great grower, I'd specify repeatability, consistency, good understanding of agronomy & biology.
I think we've all got most of this covered after 2-3 grow attempts
You see @Lucky Luke, usually when one door closes another one opens ^^. It’s the way it is. My dad always said never think ur the best because there’ll always be someone better. A man that thinks he knows everything knows nothing at all.
Riu is laden with experienced, successful, repetitive, HUMBLE growers.
And it’s true @Lucky Luke... why are u here? You’ve been drilling it in to all who’ll listen for months now that u hang with the most accomplished growers on the planet on another site and how useless this place has become since their departure, so what is it that draws u back? And u said it yourself “someone else” from that site told u u had a newb question waiting for u here, indicating they’re still reading too. Why tho if they despise the site?

Oh yeah and the frosty glass question lol... you honestly didn’t pick up what I put down right in front of you?

“The trick to being smart is knowing when to play dumb.”
You see @Lucky Luke, usually when one door closes another one opens ^^. It’s the way it is. My dad always said never think ur the best because there’ll always be someone better. A man that thinks he knows everything knows nothing at all.
Riu is laden with experienced, successful, repetitive, HUMBLE growers.
I agree with ya dad, hence why I miss the knowledgeable and fantastic growers...
Is RIU laden with experienced, successful, repetive growers? Im not so sure. Plenty of avg ones like u, me red, JZs etc.
And it’s true @Lucky Luke... why are u here? You’ve been drilling it in to all who’ll listen for months now that u hang with the most accomplished growers on the planet on another site and how useless this place has become since their departure, so what is it that draws u back? And u said it yourself “someone else” from that site told u u had a newb question waiting for u here, indicating they’re still reading too. Why tho if they despise the site?

Oh yeah and the frosty glass question lol... you honestly didn’t pick up what I put down right in front of you?

“The trick to being smart is knowing when to play dumb.”
I dont hang with the best growers on the planet, not even sure who they would be to be honest.
I like RIU, great debating you guys trying to drive me away, its a bit like the politics section but nicer and with less wit.Other site is fantastic to, so are several forums im on.
You didnt find the jar question a newb Q? what did u think it was? (and maybe I did sense a retaliation coming- ((cause any chance to have a go at Lucky is a good one eh? ))and posted a CBD strain soon after...?? oO) Pretty frosty for a low THC strain isn't it? Do you want to go there? lol.
Do they dispise the site? Are you making stuff up like JZS did in regard to him banning people? Do you think he has that power of knowing of anyone about to be banned? Your not that silly surley?

Why all the hate?
See people post interesting stuff and u guys don't even take the time to have a look.

U look at page 13 on the grow thread I posted for u Venus?
How’s your grass city thread going noticed it got shut down.

Yeah we ain’t that dumb

Lucky narc

Fuck off to ya new forum you’re a dog an at 50 you should know better
It got shut down months ago mate, it was only up for a day or something. Was never going to last on there as I say cunt to much and GC is pretty conservative. By the way it wasn't my thread- I just got invited to it. I haven't logged on there for awhile, much happening?

We aint that dumb? U speaking on behalf of who exactly and about what?

Who have I narc'd? (feel free to tag a mod here)

I can be on both at once..
It got shut down months ago mate, it was only up for a day or something. Was never going to last on there as I say cunt to much and GC is pretty conservative. By the way it wasn't my thread- I just got invited to it. I haven't logged on there for awhile, much happening?

We aint that dumb? U speaking on behalf of who exactly and about what?

Who have I narc'd? (feel free to tag a mod here)

Fuck man do you not have have a life ain’t commented in hrs soon as I do you reply.

Anyone old man papa narc.

where’s all ya mates to fight ya battles ya dog

You say cunt you are a cunt
Fuck man do you not have have a life ain’t commented in hrs soon as I do you reply.

Anyone old man papa narc.

where’s all ya mates to fight ya battles ya dog

You say cunt you are a cunt
no I don't have much of one atm. Mother in law dying of cancer and all means im kind of stuck...
O im a cunt all right. never pretended otherwise.

I didn't think I needed any... haha

Why don't u ever answer a Q?
I didn’t comment on anything that happened I said that stuff had happened and that I don’t care. Because it’s not worth reading. I’m just letting you know my opinion on the thread since I’ve been here and seems to be all these new members that join for a day and start drama with others but have your back. I don’t believe in coincidences. That’s old members been dicks or socks.
As for helping I never said you didn’t help with knowledge your a fucking encyclopaedia bro and you do help everyone with there weed questions. Then 5 minutes later your been condescending and bitching about it like it’s a real pain in the ass and that this thread is shit now and it should be heaps better and having more intellectual conversations about growing weed. That’s like me saying to you stop talking all this advanced growing shit and dumb it down for us your ruining the thread.
I can see what u mean.
Im avg at growing but TY.
Allot of what I say harps back to prev convos that you may not get the "jest" off. For example Venus mentioning the glass Q and me mentioning the CBD shots. Goes back further to her pulling plants (that me and others said not to pull). So there is often more going on in a comment , or a series of, that you may not be aware of. But maybe u are and im short changing you, if so I do apologise but ive been debating JZS....(and he cannot click on links). Debating Venus takes much more skill and its hard to go from simpleton to street smarts. Venus is a chess player and JZS is Go fish. (my GD beat me at Go fish today- she's a clever girl)
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