Aussie Growers Thread

I cought my stuff in time thank fuck fully dried now an stashed 6 pound exact lost a pound in leaf an stem an half oz of mould.

Fully manicured.

If I can grow another 4 pound indoors already grown 2 that will be 12 pound for the year. 48k fuck yes
I’m just gonna sell all me shit for 250 struggling to get 300 oz in Tas for hydge anymore
I’m in Vic it’s must be dry here prices around $350 not that I buy it, mates just whinge about paying that much. Then I give them a go of my gorilla glue threw some glassware and there like where the fuck did you get that. I just tell from a bloke at work lol. Nice year if you pull it off bro :clap::hump:
I’m in Vic it’s must be dry here prices around $350 not that I buy it, mates just whinge about paying that much. Then I give them a go of my gorilla glue threw some glassware and there like where the fuck did you get that. I just tell from a bloke at work lol. Nice year if you pull it off bro :clap::hump:
350 I’d have a 75k year if that was the case

Haha I’ve gotta get 2 more indoor grows done I rkn it’s doable
How was that bible bashing weirdo today? Like I get the concept of faith but people need to start believing in themselves, thinking for themselves, being responsible and having control over their own selves! Our lives are not our own. And that’s just how “god” and government would have it. We’re not free from the day we’re born.

Im positive I wasn’t born to be lead by someone no different to me. To be educated only with the knowledge the governments and churches want me to have. . What gives these humans the right to allocate the minutes of my life?**The time of My life?

Revolution*is what we need. Sadly it won’t be in my lifetime.

**attributed to George Carlin

With all the shit that’s going on there will be ww3
350 I’d have a 75k year if that was the case

Haha I’ve gotta get 2 more indoor grows done I rkn it’s doable
Yeah if I could convince my mrs to let me be naughty lol I would smash it there’s a lot of silly mofo’s paying $350 for puss
Yeah if I could convince my mrs to let me be naughty lol I would smash it there’s a lot of silly mofo’s paying $350 for puss

I tell my misses how it is lol. U want coin this how we get it

I got a job though man I’m not a bludger
Pus is shit indoor weed I miss spelt it (puss is good hahahahaha)

I’ve only really thought about it lately she would let me if I was serious. I’d be like I’m growing a shit load of weed or we have to sell the horses hahahahaha. The growing I love it’s the dealing I hate did it years ago did help the wallet though
Pus is shit indoor weed I miss spelt it (puss is good hahahahaha)
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I’ve only really thought about it lately she would let me if I was serious. I’d be like I’m growing a shit load of weed or we have to sell the horses hahahahaha. The growing I love it’s the dealing I hate did it years ago did help the wallet though

Yeah Is a bit of a cunt I just don’t tick at all
I’m in Vic it’s must be dry here prices around $350 not that I buy it, mates just whinge about paying that much. Then I give them a go of my gorilla glue threw some glassware and there like where the fuck did you get that. I just tell from a bloke at work lol. Nice year if you pull it off bro :clap::hump:
250 here for pgr grown commercial shit weed.
300 plus for anything better.
Guys that sell cars on parramatta road are a special kind of scum. The typical slicked back hair, cheap suits and constantly trying to qualify and close instead of building long term quality relationships. Luke fits in that category perfectly.

I had a fantastic few days. Have to do some more oil as Ive found a new cancer patent to supply. Which is awesome as otherwise id have a bottleneck of flower.

Justcatching up on the Larry , Curley and Moe stuff..Hello fat man.

Yes, I certainly was special, not an easy place to sell stuff. Most fail. Its hard closing and stealing customers from the yard next door. Its approaching people at traffic lights. Guns, drugs, beating up Fair trading reps, strippers BBqs and poker. Only the best survive.
I thrived. It was awesome,,,fk me I have some stories,,,

Don't know what part of parra rd u worked but if u had a suit you were never going to survive- esp if t was cheap. Even the yardies made 60 Plus K a year. I had a secretory whos sole job was to roll joints and answer the ph- she was easy on the eye to.. She and her friend used be als double as the naked bar girls on the 44 footer as well-good times

Certinely did end up building long term relationships when I sold Motorbiked and houses. But making $$ in used cars is something else. Not many jobs u can make 6 figures and a car and fuel tax free.
Luke you truly are the lowest form of scum, I tried to do the right thing but you are just unbelievably stupid.
Atracking my personal life with information from a dog is pretty damn low atracking my integrity and my relationship is even lower. You are really not a very good human i hope you didnt breed.
look chubby, when u semi retire at 40 then call me ur house is small