Aussie Growers Thread

Anyways im done playing for the night, luke I want to thank you for finally showing the page your true colours im sure that has enlightened everyone and dope ill see you at the hydroshop so you can put me in the hospital lol!
i really don't know why your dragging and blaming me for what Dope said. I don't know who dope is. Don't care, don't want to know. Some serious operators growing in Aus with big money backing and some like me hiding away just trying to earn a little extra and help some people for free.
Moral of the story i said earlier..dont give to much away.
You know why mr I am a altruistic grower who only lives to help people lol.
The only person you help is you brother.
of cause im drinking...when don't I? You know this.

It was a wink wink if u read it. I wouldn't take that as a threat but im not as precious as some. When someones banging a revolver on ya desk and screaming at you then that's a threat. Id take that as "Be careful of what you say cause u talk to much myself". But i didn't say it so not sure why ur quoting me for. Not sure what ruby has to do with it..You have brought him up three times tonight..
Have I really? Can u quote me? I know I said we’ve spoken irl, can’t remember the third. Maybe I’m missing him subconsciously who knows?
See you at south pacific hydro sometime arsehat. I remember you posting your face so I'm sure I'll recognise you. Again, take a step back and realise your vulnerability. Put a big enough target on yourself and it'll get hit one of these days. If I play my cards wrong then maybe you can counsel me in jail wink, wink
Your weak by the looks, lay you out with one headbutt scrawnyyy daaawwgg i see you, connections
yep that's why i answered some grow questions on this thread just today.... all whilst defending myself from you three.
Don't think u answered one?
You can pretend you are the victim you started about me being a sock of technic and the fluence thing and making comments about my pic, then venus told you to chill,
Your buddies then came in the form of dope and a couple of socks, the attacks became real personal towards venus and myself, it degenerated to such a point I got a personal threat from dope. Thats what you contribute to this page luke negativity, you are whats left of that dark chapter of this page with those guys. Nobody misses this shit, people are tired of the bully tactics and personal attacks and you my friend were the catalyst for that yesterday you brought those guys in
You encouraged it and even laughed about me being threatened. If you want to argue fine but what happened yesterday is totally unacceptable and if thats how you want to continue to operate why dont you go join your buddies on the cool kids page, the bullshit and drama you created is not needed or wanted by anyone.
I believe I replied to you saying you can buy the overseas travel eftpos cards and the woolies visa cards were only gift cards and didnt work overseas.
no, I said u used to be able to purchase pre paid CC at aussie post.
I then asked if woolies do one. But hey lets not let facts get in the way of a good story.
Jesus all this started cause I hurt his feelings lol.

What a cunt. If it’s so bad in here stay outta the thread.

Reminds me of the school yard I can’t beat you so I’ll bring all my mates in to beat u.

All butt hurt cause they carried on like fuck wits an left.

An they where bullying every single new member that came to thread no wonder they got banned

But they So fkn smart and are the best growers in Australia.

An that lucky lukes hydro grows are fkn shit
You didn't hurt my feelings.

I just thought you were blind drunk and lookin to cause some mischief. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't grow Hydro.
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You mean the mids those 2 blokes you mentioned say are some of the best in town.
Funny how you dogs say i cant grow but the locals in the industry rate it highly.
Suck a dick you gutless wonder!
Its a common sales tactic to blow smoke up the arse of your customers but you should know that being an ex car salesman and all. Funny, I know a few blokes down your way who apparently grow the best gear in town too. What a coincidence