Aussie Growers Thread

Fuckin hectic, so there are 500 packs of each Mac cross, there’s already 150 of each gone, at 200 a pack by the end of it that’s a 100000 each off those two crosses, there is some big money in seeds if there is some hype.
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I’m waiting for the Other Mac crosses like purple punch or just Mac f2s they might pop up next year sometime
She's a quality cut for sure, saying that i wanna see some more stabilization in the offspring before i go droping that sorta coin on them(i norm buy a "few"of each) there is proven worked lines out there if coin aint an issue archive comes to mind his worked the shit outa them dosi cuts, there fuckin fire now, mates rockin the straight sauce at the min it looks fuckin phenomenal. But yeah guess i was saying flavours of the month yada yada yada, sorry im rambling been a while since ive been baked haha

You poped them Tropicana's yet? lol i want.
She's a quality cut for sure, saying that i wanna see some more stabilization in the offspring before i go droping that sorta coin on them(i norm buy a "few"of each) there is proven worked lines out there if coin aint an issue archive comes to mind his worked the shit outa them dosi cuts, there fuckin fire now, mates rockin the straight sauce at the min it looks fuckin phenomenal. But yeah guess i was saying flavours of the month yada yada yada, sorry im rambling been a while since ive been baked haha

You poped them Tropicana's yet? lol i want.
Nah I’m going to pop some more seeds in a month or so, will put down some
Tropicanna and the wedding cake x I think, but yeah there will be a new flavour of the month soon enough