Aussie Growers Thread

I shoulda had a look,before I opened my big mouth.Lesson learned.
I got a good thing goin with my local honda dealer. They go for $750-$800.
Fucken good mowers.
They are the business. If I did it for a living I’d grab one but hard to justify the cost mowing the lawn once a week
Keep using it til it dies,then buy one off gumtree for 50 bucks. They're not worth fixing anymore.
You can prob find one for free. My last 2 stroke was free, just needed to be drained and fresh fuel and I got a couple years out of it. Left it at an old rental cos the blades were done and I didn’t have a grinder
Fucken hell time flies got home esky of fish... put a lamb roast in the Weber straight away couple nice cones of I.B and missus says register the beast babe let's go for a cruise look at the farm you were saying is a gd price ...
Coulda bent her over then and there but she says out on a dirt road over the Bonnet....does she know how stupid its gonna look filling the HZ up and paying for it with a woody
I got a couple today to. 3 Salmon and a small kingfish.
Cool song. You got something to say @Rigman? I get you are suspicious of the new guy. Fair enough.
But hey, you wont ever find me asking for anyones personnal info at anytime. I asked dope for pics because
because I'm interested in seeing what he can do.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
A little quote from Billy Shakespeare,from Hamlet I think