Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanx ! If you need any advice or a hand give me yell. Have plenty more if ya want em. Try a few and report back.

Feel the burn


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

sorry i got scared and bailed for while. back now.

looks like its a night for pics. i am going to join in too. day 16 flower.

i agree ninja we want to see pics. show me a pic of the babies if you can.


Well-Known Member
Fuk i wish i could grow indoors again,i had a brief DWC setup last yr but had to abandon before flower,one of these days of these days.


Well-Known Member
Does any1 here remember the bullshit i was dribbling when i was smoking 'The Purps'.
..Well here is the Culprit:

Sorry about the image quality.. This bud here came to exactly 3.5grams :) A perfect $50.. But having said that - Fuck Paying Retail ;)


Well-Known Member
Well i've kept the AI pretty quiet up until now, but it is time for an update on her..
I let her move into her new home 2day, she was rapidly outgrowing her old one.. She is still getting used to the place, but i believe by tomorrow she will have settled in & she will be thriving :) I'm confident she will boom now as she has a lovely big white root mass that was encompassing her old home.
Here are some pics of her for you lovely ladies & gents..

As you can see she has been topped, but i think my plan will be to FIM each of the existing tips & go for a lovely bush!


Well-Known Member
I will get some more pics up shortly of the BC babies.
..Not that any1 seems to be awake anymore..
Speaking of the absencies, Knickers & Kmoo r both absent.. Hmm :roll: I wonder wat they're upto..;-)