Aussie Growers Thread

Thanks for your kind words all. I think i will leave her for a week for sure and see how she is looking. I have another question for you if its ok. I am off overseas for 2 weeks in late June adn dont really have anyone i would want to look after my plants. I think it leaves me 9 weeks if i start to flower now. Are these babies too small to start the process. Remember i am only after a little bit of smoke for myself. What are the bad points of flowering too early other than the obvious loss of size.

It may just b my Iphone, but they look like they are flowering already?? About 2 weeks in.
so we can't get on RUI for weed day and we come back and the layout is all screwy. i dont care if they want to change shit about and do stuff but i like having my lil user control panel when i click my rollitup. ugh this sucks
oh shut up i just opened it coz it was on the front page and it seemed a weird question lol

yer rockin those undies ninj, rut row
oh shit that socal thing looks like it's just something i typed and not a link lol i was showing you where your avatar was being worn by someone else! haha
yeah you click on settings, and there's a small block where if your subscriptions have new posts it will show up there.

have you made any decisions on the cyco?? i should have taken a before and after of my clone lol she was SO hungry for nutes when i got them end of last week, and her new growth coming through is beautiful. i'm gonna try some fim on her today!! first time for me i've always been convinced i'm too clumbsy for cutting plants for positive effect but i can only learn from here
under general in settings - if you find how to change it let me know tho coz i put it on a default and it didn't really change it
Yeah the old skin is not an available options.. It's either this or the default vB skin which is even worse.

This is the shit.
yeah it's not the best but hey, so long as we can still talk bout growing - it could be worse

i'm about to head off to bunnos, yay