Hey All...... Welcome to everyone who scribed while I was away

I tried to find an Aussie thread before I started this one....guess I didn't look hard enough

........ but I'm glad I started this one anyhowz

all your plants are all looking good

Even though ,,in a very real sense we are all isolated down here...there are plenty of gardening enthusiasts in this country and loads of businesses open all over the joint to supply us with just about every thing we need...and more...loads of innovative gardening inventions like the one I use..Autopots...
jzs147 ,,,,looking good

There must be a heap of growers in Tassie.... I love it there.. my partner and I went down about a year ago,,,,we had a ball driving around the island...met some kool people ... camped out every night... bliss.... we'll go again soon ,,I hope..............
beginner bloomer.... that is kind of freaky... with the cop an all...but I LOVE the dog...we're saving up for one of those working shepherds...I can't grow any weed in my garden,,bloody lowiez steal it everytime.......thats why we're getting the dog... should deter them... I hope....
I guess if you keep it low key you ..."could" be ok... have you done it there before..? when they are budding its gonna stink out the neighbourhood ... in those sticky hot Sydney days and nights....
my paranoia levels would be throu the roof .. and I do try to not worry bout that stuff..
still at least you can joke about it....
welcome another Melbournian 2