Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Ohhhhhh my face hurts
I got home at five smashed some hash and talked rat shit for a hour
good times
thanks for all bday wishes


Well-Known Member
G'day Boys

Sorry if this has already been posted but I searched and can't find it. All the US guys recommend Fox Farm Ocean Forest as a good soil to use, but I can't find it anywhere in Aus.

Does anyone know of a good alternative?

The last grow I did I used some organic potting mix from Bunnings, but it ended up having too many nutes and burnt all my plants.


Well-Known Member
G'day Boys

Sorry if this has already been posted but I searched and can't find it. All the US guys recommend Fox Farm Ocean Forest as a good soil to use, but I can't find it anywhere in Aus.

Does anyone know of a good alternative?

The last grow I did I used some organic potting mix from Bunnings, but it ended up having too many nutes and burnt all my plants.
just grab any soil + perlite u should alrite


Active Member
hi all first time poster here just like to say have been reading alot of this thread but not all of it and it seems like a great community. i havent grown in probly over a year due being way to busy n just a little slack but now all my souces have dried up so i m going to have to get back in to growing i'll attached a few of my effects if i work out how to , my avator is of a size 9 volley couldnt tell u what the type of bud but only that it was very sweet in taste. im now starting back again with bagseed that i have accumalated over the many years ive been smoking none of which i would have a clue of the strain but i used to only save the best seeds from the most potent of smoke.
Wow man what a great grow. Lookin huge.


hi guys, hows the smoke?:bigjoint:
well after the failure of my first attempt, i am at it again. i have 2 clones from the first plants, 1 bagseed and i now have 1 tiny white widow x white rhino seedling.:-P i am so excited about the seedling. it is first name brand plant.:lol: the little thing has been in there 24 hours now and looking good. pic is of WWxWR when it had just gone under the 400w. will post more in a couple of days.

on another subject, how many ppl have found out that their boss grows or used to grow? well i found out today that 2 out of 3 of my bosses used to grow and 1 of them is selling me 2x600watt lights for $200.:lol: what a bargain. i am going to hit the other boss up for his equipment too.:-P

i want a job with you


Well-Known Member
The last grow I did I used some organic potting mix from Bunnings, but it ended up having too many nutes and burnt all my plants.
It musta been something else, Organics dont really tend to burn the plant as they arent toxic.. The plant uses what it needs, and the rest just sits there..

I recommend some Coco & putting in some worm castings. Gives the plants an awesome head start for Veg.

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
It musta been something else, Organics dont really tend to burn the plant as they arent toxic.. The plant uses what it needs, and the rest just sits there..

I recommend some Coco & putting in some worm castings. Gives the plants an awesome head start for Veg.
Exactly what I do. Coco and casting to start them off.

If you are taking the worm casting route, its a good idea to get one of those worm farms from bunnings. There's a pic in one of my previous posts of the farm I use. Takes awhile to get worm casting production going.


Well-Known Member
yeah i can't praise worm casting enough lol weird sentence but i started out with chook poo coz i couldn't find castings. they're just better.

my mix has neem, perlite, coco, worm castings and it drains really well. i'm quite chuffed with it - still wanna try a little DWC dealio tho, might try a couple train wreck with it - oh the possibilities!!! oh and i got a fantastic quote on all the cyco stuff i'll need (which is pretty much all of it lol) it's about half what i would have been looking at even from my well priced hydro guy.

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
yeah i can't praise worm casting enough lol weird sentence but i started out with chook poo coz i couldn't find castings. they're just better.

my mix has neem, perlite, coco, worm castings and it drains really well. i'm quite chuffed with it - still wanna try a little DWC dealio tho, might try a couple train wreck with it - oh the possibilities!!! oh and i got a fantastic quote on all the cyco stuff i'll need (which is pretty much all of it lol) it's about half what i would have been looking at even from my well priced hydro guy.
I'm intrigued by the DWC setup myself.....sticking with coco for the immediate future. Its so easy to manage coco grows.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I was wondering if any fellow Australians can help a girl out?

I'm looking for neoprene sleeves or collars for my aerocloner.... I've been searching the net for hours and they only seem to come from over seas... Was just wondering if any Australian Hydroshops carry this particular item... Any info would be appreciated...


Well-Known Member
Went to clark rubber here, I am using their stadium seating pad for neoprene at the moment but it is much more dense that neoprene...It was the softest thing they had...:eyesmoke:

Laceygirl... :-)
I cut myself some out of the Children's play pads.. The lil 1's that click together and make a floor.
They are about 50cm x 50cm, & I get a pack of 4 for about $12. I can cut approximately 65 slips out of each pad at 5cm diamater..


Well-Known Member
Lacey is that yer wedding getup in that photo? have a friend who had an outfit really similar for her wedding, and a big wrap that went over top. was very pretty

Upright - yeah im gaga for coco but there's something very appealing about dwc. i dont know why i would go trying something new when i'm just getting the hang of coco but meh lol i like water


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Its been pretty quiet on the thread lately so i thought someone might have time to answer my question quickly. I have 2 new white rhino growing and since breaking the surface their stems are quite different colours. Not sure if i got jibbed with the seeds or its normal. One is a dark colour and the other much greener. The smaller one was a bit bent when she came out. Prob the way i planted it but seems to be going up now. Any thoughts for Rock?



Well-Known Member
can i see em from above? lol

I think that joke went over my head. Yes pathetic i know but remember i am very new to this. It may stretch a little but i dont mind. These compared to the last ones i grew are very short. Check these ones from my last attempt.

So are different coloured stems anything to be concerned about?



Well-Known Member
no joke luv just super high lol

seedlings do funny things, i wouldn't worry too much it looked pretty normal to me tho kinda different lol