Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
a lot of men dont feel threatened by their partner being with another girl, my hubby dug it when i used to partake in my formative years lol
Really? Lol, I could've sworn I was right on the Frontier of this movement.

Seeing another dude plough me would break his wee heart. each to their own
Yeah I'm with him there.. Apart from a Great Rack & a Sweet Ass - I believe I've got everything and can give her anything she needs..

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
Maybe because I torched....we Vics should catch for a BBQ.....neutral suggestion.....Gumbuya Park....its aboriginal for "meeting place".

I used to be in an On-line gaming squad and we would catch up for a game of skirmish every year....lots of smokers play

Anyways just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
oh dang i'm all kinds of high lol

a lot of men dont feel threatened by their partner being with another girl, my hubby dug it when i used to partake in my formative years lol but seeing another dude plough me would break his wee heart. each to their own

there are seriously way too many choppers hangin out lately lol
lol no joke about those choppers! All over the place! Or are we just paranoid?

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
lol no joke about those choppers! All over the place! Or are we just paranoid?
A little of both.

I live in town and the choppers seem to hover directly overhead most nyts of the week. A couple a days ago one hovered over Chapel St with its spotlight tracking for about 20mins.

I hold my breath every time.:lol:

But grow room is running at 24 Degree C. Surrounded on all sides with concrete and below three floors of concrete floor slabs. As Ninja ,I think, said Our body temp runs hotter by 6 degree. It would take a very tricky camera and very tricky my plod to see my little heat sig. the suburbs/country...its may be a tad suspicious if you garden shed is light sealed but blazing like a bonfire. Hmmmm....

IMO biggest concern is smell.


Well-Known Member
We get a few in Canberra too...

A friend of mine did an experiment with them... Just two weeks ago. He's a ex-member of a bikie gang, so the police are aware of him... He's a qualified plumber and he has very powerful laser beams for laying pipe...

He saw a chopper flying over his suburb, so he went inside, grabbed his laser and shone it up at the Police Copter... Well he got a knock on his door two days later.... There they were, the boys in blue wanting to know why he was shining a laser up at the helicopter... My friend did it deliberately, just to see if they would be aware of it let alone do anything... Guess what? They fucking knew....

I was sooo shocked....



Active Member
I bought this system due to the reviews on this post. DON'T buy stealth hydro bubbleponic system. It's poorly designed and very expensive. It was a harsh lesson. I beleived the posts here I read on this forum and forked over the dough. Man it's been non-stop work modifying the system to make it decent. and ......... still.....the net pots are way too small. Man I regret it. But I learned quite a bit on how NOT to design a system. hehehe.


Well-Known Member
We get a few in Canberra too...

A friend of mine did an experiment with them... Just two weeks ago. He's a ex-member of a bikie gang, so the police are aware of him... He's a qualified plumber and he has very powerful laser beams for laying pipe...

He saw a chopper flying over his suburb, so he went inside, grabbed his laser and shone it up at the Police Copter... Well he got a knock on his door two days later.... There they were, the boys in blue wanting to know why he was shining a laser up at the helicopter... My friend did it deliberately, just to see if they would be aware of it let alone do anything... Guess what? They fucking knew....

I was sooo shocked....

Wat do the Lasers have 2 do with Growing?
But yeah light beams & lasers stick out quite alot from the air, especially if u happen 2b wearing Night Vision Equipment..
We use2 signal choppers wit as little as a hand-held infared strobe from as far out as 500m in less-than-perfect conditions.


Well-Known Member
I bought this system due to the reviews on this post. DON'T buy stealth hydro bubbleponic system. It's poorly designed and very expensive. It was a harsh lesson. I beleived the posts here I read on this forum and forked over the dough. Man it's been non-stop work modifying the system to make it decent. and ......... still.....the net pots are way too small. Man I regret it. But I learned quite a bit on how NOT to design a system. hehehe.

No joke, I was certain it was a POS, simply by the fan boys and lack of genuine points of difference. Make your own, it will cost less, work better, and no obvious ordering and shipping of hydro material.


Active Member
I did an Aussie Blue grow as an experiment in an areo garden. wont repeat that fiasco again for those that are considering this means of grow it works but is nothing but hassellllllllllllls finally had to harvest my plant early as the root system was pushing the top of the unit off the base Any way since this is an ausie thread i thought it was appropriate to post my pic album here is the link to the album

Upright Man

Well-Known Member
Wat do the Lasers have 2 do with Growing?
But yeah light beams & lasers stick out quite alot from the air, especially if u happen 2b wearing Night Vision Equipment..
We use2 signal choppers wit as little as a hand-held infared strobe from as far out as 500m in less-than-perfect conditions.
Lasers bejesus. Mr Plod would freak and think your some crazy person taking pot shots at them. Don't really blame them for investigating. Plus lasers stick out like dogs-balls (pardon the language) in most spectrums.

I use one for my hunting bow for rabbits in daylight from 20metres.


Well-Known Member
Ninj just from hearin ya talk about yer lady i know that yer a good sort luv lol you two seem very solid, i wasn't good at relationships in my early twenties so kudos lol

Knickers i'd say it's a healthy mix? LOL definitely a bit paranoid, but fuck it's better to be safe than sorry eh.

i'd like to share that my seed purchase has been completed!! lol FINALLY! dutch passion blueberry and trainwreck from i can't remember who, and after much deliberation regarding nutes i'm actually gonna try the cyco program.


Well-Known Member
WOW .... I've been busy so barely enough time to do much posting lately ,,,, been killing tiny teeny weeny caterpillars for dayze now.... :cuss:

I'm getting ready to harvest some shivas.... the next week onwards I'd say....and an orange bud.... just finished a nl/haze still drying some of it and have been smoking some I prepared earlier...:bigjoint:

been some sexy talk while I've been studious .... its all about sharing the LOVE,,,good to see ;-)

thinking about starting some seeds I brought last year....was planning on starting them in good planting day they are going in...... some super skunk and some white Russians I got from ...... I an X-cited about growing and smoking both those strains.... I love that skunky animal stink bud :eyesmoke:

depressing about the creepy crawlys ,,, I don't enjoy killing anything.... I find it stressful ....((except flies,,but that's a revenge thing))....... I've been like some monstrous Godzilla creature with mashing pincher's for hands ,,squashing those little suckers twice a day for about half an hour at a time :cuss:


Well-Known Member
yeah we've had heaps of those jats!!! they keep congregating above the kids bed lol

how's the outdoor grow coming??

i am VERY excited about the pending blueberry grow. YUM!! hopefully the cyco program is what these good sources have said it is and will give me a nice weight to them.