Well-Known Member
Yeah your ginger should grow back from the rhizome left under ground. It could be worth spraying your whole grow area including the walls of your tent and around your pots. Go nuclear on the little fuckers!
That is a beautiful thing man.. can you give us a few basics on the fish side of the setup, how big is your tank, what kind of fish and how many??my fishies have been hard at work and i gotta tell ya they are doing a bang up job. no deficiencies, no excesses, happy turgid plant, buds developing nicely, frost is piling on early and the smell oh good lord the smell. it is beyond stinky, greasy sweaty fruity diesel funk and thats without even giving the buds a bump or a squeeze, they just ooze odour.
im even feeling quite confident that this will yield as well if not better than my hydro set up
Brilliant.50l tank. 50l grow bed. constant flow. hydroton. red wriggler worms living in the hydroton. 7 comets about 5-6cm long in the tank. no water changes only add backs with plain r/o water. PH buffers itself to 6.3 at the moment.
fish are fed 4 times a day by an auto feeder. feed them organic fish pellets high in protein and fat. also adding 1g potassium sulphate (potash) per 10l of add back water.
thats it. its really simple actually.
i tend to agree but i had no idea which way i was going to vote before as i couldnt stand either side, now i will go labour, even though i think labour party is in a shambles i still couldnt bear to have tony abbot as our leader and our representative.I think it's logical
Number 1 point is that It doesn't matter who heads the party! The invisible party heads create the police and the 'leader' of the party is like the spokesman who sells it to the crowd. That means it doesn't matter if Gillard or Rudd is 'leader', you'll get Labour party policies. SO having said that, it made no sense to have Gillard lead the party when she had such a bad psychological effect on voters. Why lead the party to a 10 point slamming at the election?
As far as me wanting someone in or not... well all the politicians in Australia are not worth a grain of salt- except for maybe Senator Nick Xenephon. He seems to be a genuine human being with genuine thoughts.
Labour party = the arse kiss party. They just play politics and say what ever will they think will get them voted in and don't really stand for anything
Liberal/Nationals = the right wing arsehole party. They are less likely to pander to the public but more likely to whip up xenophobia and other such things if it strengthens their position. Their current spokesmen ('leader') is a self-proclaimed and unashamed liar. He said he is likely to lie in the heat of the moment and he some how thinks that admission makes him more credible as a human.... although there are tons of morons out there who think it really does make him more honest (..more honest because he said he lies)
Politics in Australia is truely pathetic- but how could it not be when the average citizens knows nothing about history, economics, world politics etc. All those things are boring or for geeks... yet somehow these morons are qualified to select who will lead the country?? pffffffft
Simply just put it in a pot and used t like soilHow did you use it?