Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Hey guys... It's been a good 10 years since I did an outdoor grow but I was thinking of putting one of my auto's outside. Just wondering being an auto and having only a limited life should I wait till the weather gets better and maybe plant at the start of November or just do it whenever? Also, im a hydro man and all my knowledge is Hyro, so just wondering should I just use some shitty Safeway $5 potting mix and feed with hydro nutes or get something decent?

im no guru, but from my exp. in auto's,

i would get a seedling mix first right now,

pop ya seeds in small seedling containers,

Then get a coir
"(or coco block, or similar), and mix up a big batch of soil, like 1/3 coco/1/3 potting mix, andf 1/3 sheep/cow, or compost material


Active Member
Morning Fella's... One of my Papaya seedlings reared it's beautiful head this morning... Planted it in a grodan cube like 4 days ago and i was almost giving up on it, but sure enough it looks healthy.

Supa smoka

Well-Known Member
Here they are First day in veg

NOW After one week of veg heres my littlings of Elephant Stomper, Fruity Chronic Juice and G13 Og 13

be careful with ya autos in cheap ass potting soil guys, Im in aus to and just popped 2 autos Northern lights and purple, with bigw potting soil, they germinated fine, But yep the roots hit a piece of bark and they just didn't grow got stunted from there.... had gnats invade my seedlings at day 3, sand as a layer on the top and a little h202 added to the water seemed to do the trick,

Just transplanted one of my autos from soil to DWC about 2 days ago will see how that go's :) battling a temp problem however might dig a hole outside for the bucket to sit in2012-09-17 13.12.06.jpgIMG145.jpgIMG146.jpgIMG151.jpgIMG153.jpg2012-09-17 13.11.42.jpgIMG155.jpg



Active Member
Just an update on both of my Auto's too... Well they just went ahead and pretty much died. One actually sprouted but had the seed stuck on it, ive done a bit of surgery on it and it has the two cotyledon leaves but doesn't look like it has the first two blade leaves, dunno but i'm not holding hope for it