Attitude Seedbank sucks


Well-Known Member
Some people need to know the difference between a seed producer, and a seed broker! What really does suck, is there new website design!



Well-Known Member
I have used the attitude with great results a few times...some seeds don't germ, but it isn't the attitude's fault...I just ordered from herbies, and 1 out of the ones I have tried so far didn't germ, but I'm not on here whining...I have had quite a few freebies not sprout, or sprout and then just die, bit I didn't complain and carry on...All the seed companies are just distributors...They don't make the seeds...and the idea that they improperly store them and that is why they don't germ is nearly ludicrous...Seeds will keep for years in an open ziploc bag in a sock you get a seed that is defective, blame the seed company...and then when that doesn't work blame nature...and then don't buy from that company again if you truly believe it was their fault, and not your own...most of the times I have had seeds not germinate it was my fault...through poor genetics of my own creation or the seeds got too hot, or I kept them too wet, or something or other...ya know...?


New Member
I've only ordered from Attitude a few times. But my seeds always arrived on time, undamaged, and germinated easily and aggressively. Nirvana seeds (IMHO) are a cut below the ones I've gotten from Attitude. But I've got only a few grows under my belt, so my results may not be typical over the long run.

But for now, Attitude has my business.


Well-Known Member
Received another order this week. From UK to USA within 8 days. Extra freebies than they advertised that I didnt ask for. Nothing was crushed.
The only thing I cannot confirm is how they will germinate. But considering I've never had a single seed from attitude not germ I expect nothing but satisfaction.
Yup, Another perfect order from Attitude.


Well-Known Member
lol. Seriously I just tracked my Black Widow order. It was in New York on the 14th. As of the 18th it's in CALI!!!! I live in Michigan. lmao. WTF is USPS doing this time? I never had an order detour to Cali.
Ya guys, I know Attitude didn't write on the box to ship my shit around the country for a week. lol.


Well-Known Member
lol. Seriously I just tracked my Black Widow order. It was in New York on the 14th. As of the 18th it's in CALI!!!! I live in Michigan. lmao. WTF is USPS doing this time? I never had an order detour to Cali.
Ya guys, I know Attitude didn't write on the box to ship my shit around the country for a week. lol.
Ugh, that sucks. Do your packages normally go through NY then on to your residence? I'm just curious.

I'm in the northeast so by the time they're at ICS in NY I know within 2 days I'll have them and if they ever deviated from "what i expect" I'd probably start bugging a bit myself.


Well-Known Member
It usually goes from NY to Wisconsin, cuz I am in the Upper Peninsula of MI. It's never went to Cali before. lmao. Thank God I am not pressed for them. One of my orders got wet in Wisconsin (so they claim) and the coffee mug FULL of seeds fell out, they called the cops, cops followed me home from the post office. I am all legal, again thank God. They said to not be doing that shit anymore. It was pretty awkward to say the least. In the beginning of Jorge's book he says that he has never heard of anyone having police contact from ordering seeds, they usually just get taken and a customs letter replaces the seeds (i've had that happen too). I read that like a week after I had police contact from ordering seeds. lol. They weren't assholes at all either. He told me right off the rip that if I was legal, everythings cool, and that he was contacted from Wisconsin and HAD to make contact with me. That was quite a while ago.
I just ordered with them and always have.recently I got a promo offer deal.i put order thru over n over with different order,different ways as like using my home pc,iPhone,moms pc,sage pay just wouldn't go thru and complete early morning I refreshed my order page and tried again. It went thru! When I get my invoice no promo shows. WTF! Well after contacting ms Laura she basically says "oh it's not on your order cuz promo ended when you ordered. I'm a reputable customer of two years and any where else I had tried would of still gave me the whole 5 reg seeds I was out due to thier site not working correctly. No sry will make ya happy by sending whatever for mix up.i had one messed up seed from herbies n they sent me a whole other 5 for free cuz mess up. Hence I have had few shitty beans from attitude bank but was singles n freebies so I NEVER made a complaint.they even can see one order that went thru n wouldn't allow payment to go thru which got canceled. That's proof I'm not lying. So I'm out 5 ugorg blues. I'm using herbies from. Now on.also my friends and I ha e grown over 50 varieties from attitude. Even though there good genetics they never come out as described,ever!! Lesson learned!


Well-Known Member
Got the black widow today after it detoured to cali. lol. Even my fucking beans would rather be in cali. lol. box was smashed and the handle was busted off my mug. Thanks USPS. All my beans are safe and they arrived, that is the important thing.


Active Member
well, it seems to me that the majority of people are more than happy with the tude, I am also a regular with them and i have only had a few not pop, and i had a male once from a pack of fems, but that would have happened if i had went direct to the breeder...

i swear by the tudes nirvana seeds , but every freebee has been a great girl, i ve had some mint smoke :bigjoint:


Active Member
does attitude ship to the U.S? Are they discreet? And can somebody please give me a link to their website, thanks. or google it it'll come right up. I've used them for three yeas now never had a problem otherthan once and that was juss of time and how long it took but was straightedned out. Ad yes the deliever to the u.s. I too live in the u.s. there pretty god about discreet juss make sure to sped the extra 10 and get a shirt or a wallet. The shirt I got was pretty bad ass. Naked bitch on it with fan leafs and nice design lol its a win win


Well-Known Member or google it it'll come right up. I've used them for three yeas now never had a problem otherthan once and that was juss of time and how long it took but was straightedned out. Ad yes the deliever to the u.s. I too live in the u.s. there pretty god about discreet juss make sure to sped the extra 10 and get a shirt or a wallet. The shirt I got was pretty bad ass. Naked bitch on it with fan leafs and nice design lol its a win win
Thanks for your input, + rep.. now you have 35 more points.. lol weak. Do alot of people get the extra shirt or whatever to be more discreet or are you a innovator?
I guess my package would look less suspicious.. good thinking.


Well-Known Member
And people are saying don't buy from nirvana cuz their quality sucks.. so who should I buy from? personal experience would be cool.


Active Member
And people are saying don't buy from nirvana cuz their quality sucks.. so who should I buy from? personal experience would be cool.
Nirvana have some great strains m8, i ve been busy working through them for a while now :-P . ak48 is fast as fuck, blue mystic is potent and gets good yields, papaya is a really good smoke. im doing some wonder women and some swiss cheese next, and i am positive they will all pop, have great genetics and good yields together with a great smoke. hope that helps pal. :peace:


Well-Known Member
...but Nirvana is on the low end of quality.
The seed depot
Attitude seedbank
the canna collective
the hemp depot
use one of those seedbanks and get good seeds


Active Member
...but Nirvana is on the low end of quality.
The seed depot
Attitude seedbank
the canna collective
the hemp depot
use one of those seedbanks and get good seeds
cheers mate, i was going to spread my seeds out next time across the tude as i need alot more seeds as i am moving to better pastures with more height and space , but i do use the tude every time , but i just get nirvana because i have been growing in under 120 cm with the light and ak48 ect stay really short and stocky plus i like the smoke and sum of my best girls have been nirvana. i ve only been getting seeds for a couple of years, before that i could get clones at will, but i suppose i just get nirvana coz they are always good from the tude

obviously with the free seeds you get with every order i have tried alot of different strains and banks, one of my best yields was off dinafem critical jack (1 free seed) but i still love nirvanas papaya and they looked as nice as any ive done.

i dont know if its because i only grow 12/12 from seed or clone, but i really wouldnt have thought nirvana has really bad genetics compared with any other bank.

thanks though for making my mind up to spread my seed order and start cloning again, although i will still have to get a pick and mix nirvana bag of seeds to clone from :idea: ........:peace:


Active Member
Man they got all types of and imo the way there site is set up compared to not most but all he other seedbank site is just plain better. I've been looking at cotton candy on the for a minute lol. But it all really juss depends on what you looking for strain wise. And yes I suggest buying the shirt. I won't say how they do it but they do it well. I've done slien genetics tga subcool. Delicious seed. I'm sure I'm missing some. Lol bomb seeds reven good. I'm pushing berrybomb and thc bomb right now. Waiting on purple kush right now. However I would honestly say get whatever interest you bc in the end attitude will replace any seed order if there somethen actually wrong and u have the smallest amount of common sense to back up your arguement.