Attitude Mug


Active Member
Hey, Ordered seeds and took MUG instead of t-shirt (For Stealth shipping) by mistake lol... Guess that weed got me blind or i dunno lol.

The question is; IS mug as stealth as t-shirt?

T-shirt orders were fine but its first time using MUG and im figuring it would be more risky to be opened isnt it?

Well have a nice day everyone !
its all the same just smaller packaging...and most people dont understand it anyways except for a very few in the office that have made comments.


Active Member
Someone put it like this once. With some company's "stealth" shipping, don't you think that a regular small package would have a better chance making it through customs versus a possibly larger package such as a dvd/cd case, mug, or t-shirt. Just something to think about