Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

My 2nd order has cleared...I didn't get the july promos...but I did get my order....I like the way they sent it....I didn't check my tracking after it came into the U.S. showed up in one sealed be honest...& the tude will take care of you....
Hÿdra;9408747 said:
Wow i am honored you guys are still talking about me!!! how sweet!!!
Talk about butt hurt.

p.s. only in my 2nd year, they will pay for 7. maybe if you guys had completed high school you could comprehend simple English lol.

P.p.s Im happy you guys are doing so well in life, having ONE skill set that works so well for you most be great. Im sure that you will be just fine in your retirement with your health insurance and 401k's....oh wait you will be in welfare and public assistance because you are subculture hippie trash with no options in life. You guys are paying for my schooling now, so that i can pay for YOUR health care and rent when you are too old to grow anymore. So in the end gentlemen, i scratch your back and you scratch mine. Except i dont begrudge you your old age or invalidity. I will happily pay my taxes(something you two probably dont with your illegal income lol) and support you when you can no longer support yourselves.
Im a good American like that.

I'll be doing just fine you heard about Kangavita? Dude is 57 years old just got popped with well over 100 pounds I'll find it in a minute guy is a fuckin legend you know that dude was getting money at 57. One thing for sure you aint seeing me on welfare I don't care if I'm 80.

but really on your 2nd year of college your mother must be proud but guess what my mother is proud too. but thats just funny a punk ass college kid gonna tell me about life you don't know me kid I've been getting money since 15 never been busted either had heat on me a few times got hit with a few assaults but such is life live and learn out of sight out of mind I aint so much as had a ticket in years let alone suspected of a crime I do however run a small legitimate business. :bigjoint: So go fuck your mother.:finger:

Lismore Police say they’ve managed to prevent around $3.7 million worth of drugs hitting the streets, following a raid on a home at Bottle Creek near Casino, yesterday morning.
Officers allegedly seized $46,000 in cash, 130 kilograms of Cannabis leaf and close to 600 Cannabis plants.
A 57-year-old man has been arrested and charged with numerous drug offences.

Like I said 57 years old dudes been at it since you where in diapers I doubt you college will make anywhere near Kanga's status but imo he got a bit greedy which is why he got busted you can't try to be like Al Capone.
they dropped mine cuz of dirty cops,,tampering,,15 pounds, 88 plants, jus becuz some jerk-wad says i'm a hero look at me,i'm a do=gooder,, all the while raping,stealing,murdering ,all in the name of GOD. karmas a mf.
got seeds on 4th try!!!! everything i asked for... plus better freebies i think.
god damn 4 tries I can't believe they actually resent 3 times. Your shit going through Chicago? If so I almost bet the customs guy felt bad you tried so many times to get yourself some seed he just said fuck it.:bigjoint:
lol LA, really tho... cant believe they sent it 4 tines, never thought they would. also cant believe they didnt get jacked again... yea going back to attitude.... i got a grow going on right now, didnt rely on seeds coning in so i planted others, but popped two of the seeds that got in. cant type
  • m key.... so annoying... water... but kinda good that they cae in late, so that i can learn fro y first grow. probs to attitude

oh but i only purchased once, they sent at no cost 3 ore ties
ill say this.. id say 75 % of the people who go to the army or military in any way.. are the loser TOWNIES that cant make it anywere else.. now.. saying that.. I will say.. that all the people in the military are EASILY BRAINWASHED.. anyone who believes everything the government says is RETARDED. sorry but they don't care about your safety .. or the fact that u have money problems.. the US government is really weird in a sense that they help the people who fund them to become leaders.. so if a old skull and bones member.. say wants to pay for some1 to run for president.. then the president will make there BUSINESSES MAD MONEy. if u don't believe me.. and u think im crazy .. watch this video.. then talk abuot how great our government is..
in saying all that. I don't disrespect anyone in the military.. I just think they don't know enough about how the GOVERNMENT WORKS.. until after they come back from the war.. and tell the storys .. then .. they are pissed.. usually hurt.. and u think the government would pay these guys well.. since they are fighting for our freedom>? no no no.. they are fighting to get the rich richer.. and poor poorer.. and the middleclass TAXED MORE.. that's it. its a fucking joke. talk to ur army friends.. ask them about the WASTE.. especially the ones out in IRAQ .. the government knows that WAR... = MONEY.... MOney = Power.. Power = NWO.. NWO = we the middleclass.. are fucked
chips anyone
ill say this.. id say 75 % of the people who go to the army or military in any way.. are the loser TOWNIES that cant make it anywere else.. now.. saying that.. I will say.. that all the people in the military are EASILY BRAINWASHED.. anyone who believes everything the government says is RETARDED. sorry but they don't care about your safety .. or the fact that u have money problems.. the US government is really weird in a sense that they help the people who fund them to become leaders.. so if a old skull and bones member.. say wants to pay for some1 to run for president.. then the president will make there BUSINESSES MAD MONEy. if u don't believe me.. and u think im crazy .. watch this video.. then talk abuot how great our government is..
Our country is great, not our government. And I don't think anybody believes everything the government say's, including the military. I don't know where you get your 75% figure, or say military personnel are easily brainwashed. Sounds like a little ignorance talking there. Easy to be a Monday quarterback, little tougher on Sunday in the game.
I hear ya bro, i'm sure he doesn't know wat its like to have 20,000. in yure pocket on the big island in Hawaii like I have done,lol..and all I have is a GED,lol.
You grow and sell weed and all you had to take to Hawaii was 20,000? Lol, you talk like you think you are somebody. I spent 4,500 on a backyard BBQ and Fireworks. I don't sell weed.
because they don't allow people with anti social behavior or narcissism and other personality traits that will not allow u to easily be put in situations and carry out orders that u don't believe in.. ! .. ya I know people who have been in the military for over 25 years.. a career .. and they are the one I get my info from.
yessir officer..i understand the avitar must have been a test dummy to for Obama.
You understand the avatar? Hell, you can't even spell avatar. It's a knock off of an old 80's Sally Struthers commercial. Not much to understand. And calling people officer is even more low rent than your piss poor grammar. Maybe take some of that money you like to brag about and buy yourself an education. And maybe a little bit of class couldn't hurt.
yessir Lt. officer,lol....that's not saying a lot coming from you....anyone who would spend 5,000 on a barbque isn't firing on all 4 cylinders..
You don't like to party? I work my ass off all year long for this party once a year. It's my vacation. 4500 is a cheap vacation. You're right, I don't fire on 4 cylinders, 4 cylinders are for children. Big block Chevy all the way. Are you a girl?