Oh hell yea...this is good thread. One of the better I have read on any forum or discussion. Some very, very deep and intelligent people here!
Well, its getting late and barring a complete alnighter. I will try to address some beginning replies.
Who is the creator. Well thats a question that probably will be asked until the end. But, before the end and while we are still up and talking I would let that be answered(at a later date) and go on to perception. "Why isnt this just all something that is perceived in my own mind". Well, thats another very good question and i can actually give it a wack. My belief of why this is not just a perceived reality viewed through me alone is that:
1) In that reality can be changed by forces and objects outside of my mind (ie, drugs, inspiration, debate which radically alters what i thought I knew or percieved). If I check these changes with others, I can re-affirm the changes outside of my own perception.
2) I cannot change what others percieve through my thoughts or events that occur in my mind.
Ok next reply. Yea, the 2,000 year old theory or idea (or doggma) that we have right now is fairly bogus. As I grew up and learn about this I didn't have a hard time with the simple notion that there was some god or creator. Then, I didn't really have a problem with the notion that he sent his son down to teach love, helping those that need help and healing and helping the sick. But as I studied and learned that at one point God gave a certain group a certain piece of land and declared only them to be chosen among humans, I jumped ship right there and then. But I have still kept an open mind and have not really formulated any real alternatives even today.
I am a scientist, so I do study, follow and feel good with the general notions of evolution. And I am not closed as to other things that might be out there. Lately I have been doing a little self reading on the
http://www.temple420.org/ about the idea that it was possible that the Abrahamic religions were actually taken from Hindu worship. When looking at geographical names and linguistic connections, a strong case can be brought that Abraham was Brahma, the Hindu Vedic god of creation. Sarah, Abraham's wife in the Jewish mythology, was Sarasvati, Hindu Vedic goddess of knowledge and wisdom, and Brahma's consort. It seems also that ancient writers of Judah then added in local gods and goddesses to mesh it with what they already believed. There is a poster on temple420 that was very good at sharing this idea but the site closed its forum because of massive spamming and are now working to flush out and separate spam.
But this idea doesn't lead me back to creator beliefs, it just helps me to get past that major turn off of Judaic-Christian theory which so badly stung me off years before. I still am mostly focused on evolution but with an open mind over all.
But I am subbed here and will look forward to many good discussions here
