Attention Atheist

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What the fuck are you talking about? Do you deny we are apes? Do you even know what an ape is and why we are classified as one?
Maybe you need to re-read dobermanman's post

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For example,
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]“Primates” are collectively defined as any gill-less, organic RNA/DNA protein-based, metabolic, metazoic, nucleic, diploid, bilaterally-symmetrical, endothermic, digestive, tryploblast, opisthokont, deuterostome coelemate with a spinal chord and 12 cranial nerves connecting to a limbic system in an enlarged cerebrial cortex with a reduced olfactory region inside a jawed-skull with specialized teeth including canines and premolars, forward-oriented fully-enclosed optical orbits, and a single temporal fenestra, -attached to a vertebrate hind-leg dominant tetrapoidal skeleton with a sacral pelvis, clavical, and wrist & ankle bones; and having lungs, tear ducts, body-wide hair follicles, lactal mammaries, opposable thumbs, and keratinized dermis with chitinous nails on all five digits on all four extremities, in addition to an embryonic development in amniotic fluid, leading to a placental birth and highly social lifestyle.

And the "are we from apes" or "we are apes" or "were we created?" thing is a very similar trap. Christians can just come over to this thread and provoke people with one sentence and then the thread gets tied up again and again on a detail that has been argued successfully 100 years ago. This provoking just sidetracks the topic and keeps Christianity in business.
Well Hayduke, I grew up right around NYC and it was a very common word for weed. And for the record....when you accuse Cracker of being a cop... you most certainly are disrespecting me. :lol: I mean..... ewww.
Yeah your so intelligent you cant even agree with your fellow athiests.This shows just how confused & thick skulled you really are.

420...we are not fellow atheists. We do not gather on Sunday morning and file into the pews. We are free to be different. That might be hard to swallow for a Sunday morning regular i guess. 420, you gotta pull up that wool and look around. There is a whole house outside of that closet you are crouched in.
I do have a special atheist decoder/projector allows me to constantly garble a very clear voice from G*D which has been aimed at earth for 2000 years now.
We are a small but determined group who pass down the rings from generation to generation, living in specific locations to form an electronic G*D blocking network. All of the worlds problems are solved in the message, but our little group has been able to thwart G*D.
We need to prevent the message from getting to you until we can complete our plan of chaos. Only then will ppl flock to us in the necessary volume we need. Then we will let the message through and announce it as from US. Then copping all of G*D solutions, we will get ALL the credit.

Anyway, that's the plan.
I was raised with out any religious influence from my parents, and they are GANGSTER for that! I was able to make an unbiased choice...
I faced reality all on my own.

Now thats an interesting topic. Did we come to this conclusion on our own or did organized religion tighten the choke hold so tight that we either had to flee or be destroyed.

I have much respect for people that had to grapple with this stuff completely by themselves. Damn, life is tough enough and then, after getting beat around for a while, to have to dig yourself out of the hole by yourself. It is like being thrown into a fast moving river to learn to swim. You come up like that and you are schooled on hard knocks and pretty tough and a survivor. The maturity starts to run deep and you no longer fall for the bullshit that is shelled out 24/7.

I got lucky and had open minded parents. But they still let me get knocked around by the fire and brimstone a bit. But once i touched that shit and got burned thankfully I didnt reach back to many more times. I got a few scars though
Then again every 48 hours I kneel before my female plants and give offerings in the hope of a return...I talk to them too! They tell me secrets...Good secrets...BWAHAHAHAHA!
I do have a special atheist decoder/projector allows me to constantly garble a very clear voice from G*D which has been aimed at earth for 2000 years now.
We are a small but determined group who pass down the rings from generation to generation, living in specific locations to form an electronic G*D blocking network. All of the worlds problems are solved in the message, but our little group has been able to thwart G*D.
We need to prevent the message from getting to you until we can complete our plan of chaos. Only then will ppl flock to us in the necessary volume we need. Then we will let the message through and announce it as from US. Then copping all of G*D solutions, we will get ALL the credit.

Anyway, that's the plan.

Hell, thats nothing cracker. I currently live in an old house with 12 other dudes. We all wear the same sweat suites and sneakers (PF Flyers) and live in bunk beds. We take turns watching for that comet with a sears telescope we mounted on the roof. Everyone of us are heavily armed with daisy bb guns and swiss army knives.

You'll see. One day, when that comet gets close enough, its gonna take us to the zenith of God's hideout. Then we will show you guys! We got the bottles of koolaid and the pills all ready and waiting man. hell, I got a brand new sweat suit just waiting in my foot locker. Dude, decoder ring. man, i got the whole PF flyer kit. The ring, the whistle, the patch, the decal...the whole kit!

Thats me on the left. You can't really see the ring that well. But the sneakers are right on time, so you know the ring must be there! I'm all packed up so its tough to get everything out and show you.

I do have a special atheist decoder/projector ring....
you know you weren't supposed to let anyone know about "the project". now you will have to be punished. i'm afraid we're going to have to take away your ring and remove you from the organization's special protection, allowing the god creature's holy wrath to consume you for eternity. you've been warned about this before, but i guess you just didn't get the message. i'm really sorry about this and i've even gone to bat for you before the council, but this time there will be no reprieve. tonight you will be visited by our representatives. please do not resist, that would only make it harder on all of us.
you know you weren't supposed to let anyone know about "the project". now you will have to be punished. i'm afraid we're going to have to take away your ring and remove you from the organization's special protection, allowing the god creature's holy wrath to consume you for eternity. you've been warned about this before, but i guess you just didn't get the message. i'm really sorry about this and i've even gone to bat for you before the council, but this time there will be no reprieve. tonight you will be visited by our representatives. please do not resist, that would only make it harder on all of us.

uhhh oops?

It's my decoder's faulty. The dog ate my instructions. My glasses got fogged up. My hand twitched and I lost my place.....

hang on.... I've got another message coming in...

D...r...i...n...k M...o...r...e O...v...a...l...t...i...n...e
All things come back to Ovaltine.

The birds sing and the bees pollinate and the grass grows and the cows graze and the milk flows and the oval knows.

Just one scoop. And the day just seems to breeezzze awayyyyy....:weed:
hey haze, want to see a half man half ape?

this is my cousin, cro magnon, he died several thousand years before there was religion. do you think he burnt in hell for being athiest?

oh and i laughed my ass off when you told someone to open their mind and be more... what was the word?...

oh yeah "narrow minded fool "
uhhh oops?
It's my decoder's faulty. The dog ate my instructions. My glasses got fogged up. My hand twitched and I lost my place.....
hang on.... I've got another message coming in...
D...r...i...n...k M...o...r...e O...v...a...l...t...i...n...e
unlike the god creature, our decoder rings are infallible. in the centuries our organization has existed not a single ring has ever malfunctioned, so that excuse simply won't fly. we also know that your dog didn't eat the instructions because he too is a member of our illustrious brotherhood. he has been reporting on your activities for quite some time and his reports have not been favorable. fogged glasses and twitching hands are no excuse for your transgressions as you will note if you read appendix forty-three subsection fifty-two of the handbook (your dog told us that your handbook is propping up a leg of your dining room table, in case you've forgotten where you put it). finally, drink more ovaltine is the default announcement on all decoder rings (you obviously never read the news letter) and you will be receiving that message until our agents find the time to confiscate it. we feel that we have been more than patient with you, but it is finally time to dissolve our association with you. oh and by the way, the dog is coming with us too.