Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you've got a good vape like me. I've got the SSV vapes. It crazy what the ABV bud still has in it. Especially depending on how much you vape the buds. I keep a box in my bedroom to toss the ABV bud into, but I let my wife toss it a couple month ago because the weed was overflowing onto the carpet around it, lol.Strawberry liquor, Modelo, some ABV in pills, and Peepshow on the agenda tonight.
My nephew invented a game today combining chinese checkers, chess, Cribbage, dice, and scrabble and Stratego and it's very complicated. Kids a 12 year old genius. Hanging with Nephews and nieces all day. Can't wait to lock myself in my little house with my dog and vape myself silly soon. I love being alone.
weed is a tool for my creativity. Been writing a sci fi book for years now and i swear i only get inspiration and plot ideas for it when i'm lit as fuck.
Hope you guys are having a nice evening
Oh fuck I forgot,