★ Atomic Squat ★

Strawberry liquor, Modelo, some ABV in pills, and Peepshow on the agenda tonight.
My nephew invented a game today combining chinese checkers, chess, Cribbage, dice, and scrabble and Stratego and it's very complicated. Kids a 12 year old genius. Hanging with Nephews and nieces all day. Can't wait to lock myself in my little house with my dog and vape myself silly soon. I love being alone.

weed is a tool for my creativity. Been writing a sci fi book for years now and i swear i only get inspiration and plot ideas for it when i'm lit as fuck.

Hope you guys are having a nice evening

I'm guessing you've got a good vape like me. I've got the SSV vapes. It crazy what the ABV bud still has in it. Especially depending on how much you vape the buds. I keep a box in my bedroom to toss the ABV bud into, but I let my wife toss it a couple month ago because the weed was overflowing onto the carpet around it, lol.

Oh fuck I forgot, :wall:
I'm guessing you've got a good vape like me. I've got the SSV vapes. It crazy what the ABV bud still has in it. Especially depending on how much you vape the buds. I keep a box in my bedroom to toss the ABV bud into, but I let my wife toss it a couple month ago because the weed was overflowing onto the carpet around it, lol.

Oh fuck I forgot, :wall:

I just got a Tinymight 2 and it's fantastic and incredibly easy to take too much. I play vape russian roulette every night. Love it so much my other vapes are gathering dust now, all except my xmax v3 pro but only pretty much to let my manager use at work ( he got me into vaping. This is all his fault).

ABV is great for me because edibles seem to be the best method for all that ails me and just get me to that happy mental place that I love so much. Can't be mad about getting high twice on the same bowl right? Feel free to send me yours next time

First sip of brick n mortar "moonshine" of the night. Cheers!

What do you call store bought moonshine anyway? Like the Midnight moon jars that are only 50%abv. Doesn't the word moonshine mean illegal alcohol? So If it's legal what to call it?

It's called moonshine because they used the moon for the light as they distilled it since they did it at night to be sly. Alcohol by volume. I like both kinds. ABV and abv, :lol:
It's called moonshine because they used the moon for the light as they distilled it since they did it at night to be sly. Alcohol by volume. I like both kinds. ABV and abv, :lol:
Commercial liquor labeled as moonshine is typically one of two things: neutral grain spirits or unaged whiskey. But what’s the difference there?
In short, it’s a difference in proof at distillation. Neutral spirits—of which vodka is a subcategory—must be at least 95% alcohol coming off the still, whereas whiskey must be distilled to less than 95% ABV. American whiskeys like bourbon, rye, and corn whiskey can’t be distilled above 80% ABV. Those differences are important, because the lower the proof at distillation, the more flavorful congeners carry over from the grain to the final spirit. White whiskey, in other words, is different from vodka, but some of what gets sold as “moonshine” is legally vodka. Check the fine print—if the label says “neutral spirits,” it’s not whiskey.

Shit only i find interesting perhaps but what i'm drinking now is legally strawberry flavored vodka.

Lol on the ABV. You blew my mind a little bit.
I have no reason to believe my dad ever smoked weed in his life.
He never spoke of his use of cannabis, there were no tells around the house
and no one has ever told a story of "That one night when your dad ???"

Got no idea about my grandpas view on weed. I can only imagine he did not partake or approve, as none of
his 9 kids did.

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