Atheists Are Going To Hell

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Religion is the process of unconscious wish fulfillment, where, for certain people, if the process did not take place it would put them in self-danger of coming to mental harm, being unable to cope with the idea of a godless, purposeless life.

Religion comprises a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality, such as we find in an isolated form nowhere else but in dementia, in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion.

Its (religion's) doctrines carry with them the stamp of the times in which they originated, the ignorant childhood days of the human race. Its consolations deserve no trust. Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
A state of skepticism and suspense may amuse a few inquisitive minds. But the practice of superstition is so congenial to the multitude that, if they are forcibly awakened, they still regret the loss of their pleasing vision. Their love of the marvelous and supernatural, their curiosity with regard to future events, and their strong propensity to extend their hopes and fears beyond the limits of the visible world, where the principal causes which favored the establishment of Polytheism. So urgent on the vulgar is the necessity of believing, that the fall of any system of mythology will most probably be succeeded by the introduction of some other mode of superstition.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
A state of skepticism and suspense may amuse a few inquisitive minds. But the practice of superstition is so congenial to the multitude that, if they are forcibly awakened, they still regret the loss of their pleasing vision. Their love of the marvelous and supernatural, their curiosity with regard to future events, and their strong propensity to extend their hopes and fears beyond the limits of the visible world, where the principal causes which favored the establishment of Polytheism. So urgent on the vulgar is the necessity of believing, that the fall of any system of mythology will most probably be succeeded by the introduction of some other mode of superstition.
So many BELIEFS being spouted here lol.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Supernatural: a linguistic invention of the mindless used by the thoughtless to convince the credulous to accept the ridiculous.

Religious beliefs systems endure because of fear, intellectual lethargy, ignorance and, dare I say, plain stupidity, but the cumulative effects of indoctrination and acculturation cannot be overstated. As long as these factors remain an integral part of our daily experience, so will the tenacious grip on magic, superstition and every manner of anti-reason.

There are those who believe they have been perfectly designed and placed in this cosmos, on this planet, for a special purpose. They call themselves theists. I refer to them as narcissists and egomaniacs.


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I take away the title of Cpt. Oblivious from Zaehet and give it to Hep, he has proved himself worthy... Also, did you know the "ae" is a sacred way to spell a name? Just another spiritual aspect about you that goes with your spiritual tattoo and your spiritual dreams... lol

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
One of the monumental ironies of religious discourse can be appreciated in the frequency with which people of faith praise themselves for their humility, while condemning scientists and other non-believers for their intellectual arrogance. There is, in fact, no worldview more reprehensible in its arrogance than that of the religious believer; the creator of the universe takes an interest in me, and will reward me after my death; my current beliefs, drawn from scripture or other people, will remain the best statement of truth until the end of the world; everyone who disagrees with me will spend eternity in hell....

The epitome of narcissism, and egoism.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
One must state it plainly. Religion comes from the period of human history where nobody - not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms - had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge (as well as for comfort, reassurance, and other infantile needs). Today the least educated of my children knows much more about the natural order than any of the founders of religion, and one would like to think - though the connection is not a fully demonstrable one - that this is why they seem so uninterested in sending fellow humans to hell.

What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
You need to incarnate a few more times so you can realize that heaven and hell are states which you create after dying based upon your evolution and realizing what really is. No one decides this for you because there is no one else out there but you, what you call God that sits out there and looks down on people is millennia of brainwashing that was feed to you by people that were feed the same thing generations and generations back. God, the self, spirit, Budha, consciousness, whatever you wanna call it, is you, always has been and always will be, it is up to you to realize that and transcend this small minded state you are in.


Well-Known Member
You say its irrelevant because I danced circles around your oblivious ass with facts lol But you are right, the DNA discussion is irrelevant.

Did you google synesthesia? quit being lazy, Im not gunna keep repeating these things to you.
Come on big guy, you aren't presenting any FACTS. We are discussing concepts and we are not trying to convince each other. That is if we have any sense about us.

I suggest that you are getting a bit flustered trying to save the Z-man. He already saved himself. So, I am not trying to change your mind. I just don't think insulting behavior and discussion of matters Spirit go together. Are we insulting the very thing we are conjuring? Peace, Now.


Well-Known Member
You need to incarnate a few more times so you can realize that heaven and hell are states which you create after dying based upon your evolution and realizing what really is. No one decides this for you because there is no one else out there but you, what you call God that sits out there and looks down on people is millennia of brainwashing that was feed to you by people that were feed the same thing generations and generations back. God, the self, spirit, Budha, consciousness, whatever you wanna call it, is you, always has been and always will be, it is up to you to realize that and transcend this small minded state you are in.
When did you re-incarnate? And how do you know? And this tone is Holier than us, right? We need that few more times to come to your understanding. Is that it? Yet, what I and others are saying is you had to swallow a lot of brainwashing to even talk this way, correct?

No proof of re-incarnation. It is actually, an allegory for waking up each day. We have to face what we set up for ourselves, yesterday. This is what was proposed in the 11th Century Buddhism. The pervasiveness of Maya rules out Incarnation. It is all an ILLUSION. Especially the idea of do-over lives. We have do-over days, Be happy that we get another one.

But, you seem to be swinging a big Spirit dick, there, pal. Spiritual Ego just makes for more religious zeal and insults, like this one I'm putting back.

So, I wish for you "to realize that and transcend this small minded state you are in. "


Well-Known Member
I take away the title of Cpt. Oblivious from Zaehet and give it to Hep, he has proved himself worthy... Also, did you know the "ae" is a sacred way to spell a name? Just another spiritual aspect about you that goes with your spiritual tattoo and your spiritual dreams... lol
What is "sacred" "spiritual" and all the other lingo? You are using it as a Ego Cloak. Re-immerse in Self.


Well-Known Member
Just because you are an Atheist does not mean you are going to hell. One would have to kill or mame or steal or cheat etc etc.



Well-Known Member
i like this thread reading what zaehet has to say as he crushes chiefwalkingoffacliff with knowledge and the complete truth about religion. theres is nothing to say to you, chiefwalkabout, your full of shit, and the more you believe in the shit you spout the more delusional you truely are.
prove it.

and if you believe in a god that would send innocents to suffer eternally for not blindly believing in him, he sounds like an dick. you have fun with that.


Well-Known Member
Is hell/heaven personal or is it a shared experience?
What if i happen to be a torture loving masochist ?
What about heaven? What if I'm in heaven and I dont want to talk to Joe, but Joe wants to talk to me. He is causing me pain/grief, while I'm denying him heavenly bliss.
One person's heaven is another person's hell, regardless of their moral standards.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy discussing with you the most Hep. You are so oblivious of what you really are lol. I look forward to our future discussions.
You're the only person that thinks that.. You act like I'm stupid by adding comments like "OK hep OK *pats hep on the head*" but that only proves you put no thought in anything you say.
When did you re-incarnate? And how do you know? And this tone is Holier than us, right? We need that few more times to come to your understanding. Is that it? Yet, what I and others are saying is you had to swallow a lot of brainwashing to even talk this way, correct?

No proof of re-incarnation. It is actually, an allegory for waking up each day. We have to face what we set up for ourselves, yesterday. This is what was proposed in the 11th Century Buddhism. The pervasiveness of Maya rules out Incarnation. It is all an ILLUSION. Especially the idea of do-over lives. We have do-over days, Be happy that we get another one.

But, you seem to be swinging a big Spirit dick, there, pal. Spiritual Ego just makes for more religious zeal and insults, like this one I'm putting back.

So, I wish for you "to realize that and transcend this small minded state you are in. "
How can you be sure it is all an illusion, have you tested it out for yourself? Actually i did re-incarnate many times although i can only remember a few of them. How do i know? thru deep conscious meditation and astral projection that i have been doing for many years now. You can laugh and dismiss all of it, that is your right. I didn't mean anything bad when i said that he needs to reincarnate a few more times, just that older souls tend to bring back more and more understanding than younger souls, that is all, you can take that anyway you wish. Things do not become a part of belief after awhile but fact, at least for me. Is mind playing tricks on me? i dont might be. I dont have a spiritual ego, i used to have one until it couldn't function anymore and it broke down and i realized that it was only a part of me, a fasade if you will. It is still here but not in control anymore. You are in conflict with my statement which is fine, it is your conflict not mine. My mind puts out jibber jabber and so does yours, in that point we are separate, a subject of belief and debate, but what makes me and you the same is that pause between all that jibber jabber, the silence which is universal for everything and for all. It has substance. Those are my experiences, dont take this that i am presenting as a fact or a belief that i am trying to inpose on you, see for yourself what truly is, explore yourself, go past what your mind tells you.