Atheists Are Going To Hell


Well-Known Member
I dont believe anything, I know and understand ;-). Then butt hurt science lovers say "How can you know something that science doesnt? Your experience was subjective and says nothing about reality". Though I dont know where to draw that line of subjectivity since I know more than 10 people that experienced what I've experienced.
Oh, so you still do have beliefs.. I thought you were having a breakthrough. Carry on..


Well-Known Member
How does the above statement not apply to you? Because you're a skeptic, right? lol I'll ask my question again... If god were to be proven through our tiny, limited knowledge of science, what would be the better source of information, science or spirituality? Do you honestly think god cannot be found through spirituality?
Science.. They don't have anything to do with each other. Science would be able to include god as a fact (if he was proven real).. But spirituality would still reject many facts.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Science.. They don't have anything to do with each other. Science would be able to include god as a fact (if he was proven real).. But spirituality would still reject many facts.
Your talking about religion, not spirituality, spirituality likes science but is not dependent on it because its stupid to be dependent on such a tiny form of knowledge. Its funny that you think science will still be the better form of knowledge though lol ignorant till the bitter end.


Well-Known Member
Your talking about religion, not spirituality, spirituality likes science but is not dependent on it because its stupid to be dependent on such a tiny form of knowledge. Its funny that you think science will still be the better form of knowledge though lol ignorant till the bitter end.
Yet you still can't give me one piece of objectively true information obtained without using the scientific method.

That's what's funny.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather go to Hell, to tell you the truth. What Christians view as Heaven would be my own personal Hell.
Really? Living an eternal life with your loved ones, with no disease or death.. thats hell to you? You must be one sick motherfucker.


New Member
Just because science is real doesn't mean god is not, that's basically the summary of this thread and that question.


Well-Known Member
You think god cant be found through spirituality but can be found through science.

Now THATS funny.
Nothing supernatural can be measured by science, dipshit.

Really? Living an eternal life with your loved ones, with no disease or death.. thats hell to you? You must be one sick motherfucker.

Being subservient to a megalomaniac with an ego problem would be hell.

Existing for eternity would be hell.

Listening to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell for eternity would be absolute fucking torture.

Meanwhile, in Hell, the Devil praises you for deviant behavior. Where's the fuckin' line?!

The absence of proof is not proof of absence...
​Argument from ignorance.


Well-Known Member
So science cant measure it, therefore its impossible to know?

Argument out of ignorance.
Science can't measure it, because by it's definition, it is immeasurable. How is that science's fault? Religion itself requires faith for belief. Science requires evidence.

There is nothing of value that can be obtained without using science. If you disagree, please, provide evidence of something to the contrary. I've requested it 4 or 5 times now, yet you keep failing to provide it. Are you unable to produce an example? It seems rather easy to say "there are other valuable things besides science..." and not provide any examples..

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Science can't measure it, because by it's definition, it is immeasurable. How is that science's fault? Religion itself requires faith for belief. Science requires evidence.

There is nothing of value that can be obtained without using science. If you disagree, please, provide evidence of something to the contrary. I've requested it 4 or 5 times now, yet you keep failing to provide it. Are you unable to produce an example? It seems rather easy to say "there are other valuable things besides science..." and not provide any examples..
It is easy. Spirituality, and even spirituality uses forms of science, none that you will agree with of course because your personal beliefs sway your judgement. Its a trick question really, you think everything that exists can be explained by science, so that pretty much only leaves the supernatural, which you'll reject because science cannot explain it. So you will forever live under the illusion that you are poking holes in peoples bubbles yet you are the one in the bubble because you are dependent on the limited knowledge of science. So with your question, the only option is the supernatural, and like it or not, it has value. Science is the B team and spirituality is the A team =).


Well-Known Member
It is easy. Spirituality, and even spirituality uses forms of science, none that you will agree with of course because your personal beliefs sway your judgement. Its a trick question really, you think everything that exists can be explained by science, so that pretty much only leaves the supernatural, which you'll reject because science cannot explain it. So you will forever live under the illusion that you are poking holes in peoples bubbles yet you are the one in thIe bubble because you are dependent on the limited knowledge of science. So with your question, the only option is the supernatural, and like it or not, it has value. Science is the B team and spirituality is the A team =).
Your A team is so effective at acquiring knowledge that you STILL haven't been able to provide a single example of something of value obtained from it. One could list the values acquired by the scientific method all day, I'd think that you'd be able to provide at least one example. If not, why join your team? You're getting owned here, would you like me to help you list the values and benefits of the supernatural/spiritual world? It seems like you could use some assistance...


Well-Known Member
Your talking about religion, not spirituality, spirituality likes science but is not dependent on it because its stupid to be dependent on such a tiny form of knowledge. Its funny that you think science will still be the better form of knowledge though lol ignorant till the bitter end.
I depend on facts to show me truth.. Not that it matters since science will still prove the truth for eternity.

You know I do have morals right? You act like we're robots that can't have our own views.. lol, now that I think about it, you have actually called us robots.

What knowledge has spirituality given you that science or human nature hasn't been able to give you?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Your A team is so effective at acquiring knowledge that you STILL haven't been able to provide a single example of something of value obtained from it. One could list the values acquired by the scientific method all day, I'd think that you'd be able to provide at least one example. If not, why join your team? You're getting owned here, would you like me to help you list the values and benefits of the supernatural/spiritual world? It seems like you could use some assistance...
Im not getting owned. Im laughing at skeptics dependence on science lol. Why should I even bother listing the qualities of spirituality? You and Pad are convinced those things dont exist or are impossible to know about, so why elaborate? Spirituality/god was my example that I provided for Pads question, only the supernatural fits into Pads question, so really its a trick question because hes gunna reject the answer because it doesnt sit well with his views... You guys say god cannot be found in science NOR spirituality, why waste time trying to make points against such ignorant views?