Atheists Are Going To Hell


Well-Known Member
where is this "hell" you speak of? i was unaware that it could get any worse.

please oh please elighten me! bring me to the truth of god, help me see the light!

be glad i dont know you i would spit in your open mouth b4you could say a word to me about religion.
believe in god if you want, just dont spout that bullshit in my ear.


Well-Known Member
They might. I'd say its a 50/50 chance of going to hell or being reincarnated,
Right, not even putting a percentage in that you might possibly wrong and there's something else entirely or nothing at all....
Good to know you are so sure of yourself.

Strange how it's always people like you that like to toss around the arrogant label at skeptics yet don't see how your own POV is the most arrogant of all by claiming knowledge of something that you cannot possible know.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Right, not even putting a percentage in that you might possibly wrong and there's something else entirely or nothing at all....
Good to know you are so sure of yourself.

Strange how it's always people like you that like to toss around the arrogant label at skeptics yet don't see how your own POV is the most arrogant of all by claiming knowledge of something that you cannot possible know.
yeah yeeaahh

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
It is, in my opinion, a thought that gives a very good example of how your brain works. I mean no offense, because a lot of peoples brains work very differently from others. It's just that what he said, gives me a very good interpretation of you.

But you are absolutely right about one thing, beliefs are just something you want to be true...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
It is, in my opinion, a thought that gives a very good example of how your brain works. I mean no offense, because a lot of peoples brains work very differently from others. It's just that what he said, gives me a very good interpretation of you.

But you are absolutely right about one thing, beliefs are just something you want to be true...
Im just going off what I know man. Based on my scientifically impossible spiritual experiences and what I've studied, I'd by lying to myself if I said there was no god, I'd be lying to myself if I said "I THINK god exists". Many others that I know experienced what I've experienced, I dont know where to draw the line of subjectivity. So when it comes to spirituality, Im going to keep presenting what I say as fact.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
"I dont know". Dont believe anything.
This is the most intelligent thing i have ever heard you say. If you really meant this in the way it sounds, i would plus rep you... but unfortunately you hold a certainty that god does exist, from which delusion will eventually envelope the thought process.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
This is the most intelligent thing i have ever heard you say. If you really meant this in the way it sounds, i would plus rep you... but unfortunately you hold a certainty that god does exist, from which delusion will eventually envelope the thought process.
Yeah, thats what you believe, no need to remind you of what beliefs are =p. You believe god cannot be found in spirituality, which is kinda ridiculous. Tell me something, if god were to be proven through our tiny, limited knowledge of science, what would be the better source of information? Science or spirituality?