Padawanbater said:
Only another atheist would understand why this makes absolutely no sense,
No, we still have evidence that points towards a specific conclusion.. It isn't as if it's one theory vs. another and if there's no clear conclusion to which one is true, they're both useless and we just go by what most people think is true.. Confused logic. The evidence mounts when we discover new things. Evolution v. ID, do you know how many peer reviewed scientific papers I could cite about the theory of evolution? How many could you cite in support of ID? You can't honestly look at this example and say both theories hold the same amount of weight regarding credibility. One is clearly much more supported by the scientific community.
This seems more likely to you than someone sitting down and thinking about the logical inconsistencies and paradox's, overall, most world religions are littered with, seeing the clear evidence supporting the real origins of our species and seeing side by side those same world religions touting truth as ultimate authority dismiss it because it doesn't agree with what they've already established to be true (because there's no way to say "God fucked up but everything else is right, trust me!)?
Only someone with an understanding of spirituality would understand why all of this makes no sense.
You are arguing against Intelligent Design, and plot holes in fables.
Spirituality is not about dogma, it's not about explaining the origin of speciation. It's not about knowing how the earth was created. Spirituaity is about connecting and aligning yourself with divinity. Different religions have different means of doing this. Some have become quite corrupted. I do not deny that some seek for power and control and have little to do with spiituality themselves.
The fact is, while maybe not all atheists are not simply antagonistic hotheads that are butthurt about christianty and mad at their parents, You, Pad, are one of these, at least for now.
It's admirable that you turn to biology, cosmology, chemistry, etc. to learn and educate yourself about the world. It's also 100% fine to not believe in god. You excel in logic and reasoning. Maybe you also excel in music, maybe you do not. Where your faculties ARE lacking is in the existential/spiritual area. You don't feel any type of connection with the divine, and you don't understand why ayone would have a need of it.
Someone else may not be good with numbers, but is exceptionally proficient in spiritual intelligence. They can pass in and out of meditation or prayer with ease, and have a very clear understanding of and deep connection with their particualar brand of god.
It's not ok to accuse someone of being ignorant or unintelligent simply because their faculties differ from yours. It's not ok to antagonize someone because their worldview is different than yours.
You would do well with some sort of non-denominational meditation practice, and a study of some philosophy. Perhaps meditate on a particular piece of philosophy that you enjoy.
Religious dogma and belief in deity in the sense you associate are not necessary for healthy spiritual practice, however a decent spiritual practice IS very necessary for a complete, happy, and psychologically healthy life. Seriously bro. It's as simple as toke up, sit comfortably somewhere silent and comfortable, close your eyes, and clear your mind. Just keep letting your thoughts pass away every time you notice yourself focusing on something, and clear your mind once again.
It'd probably be good for those anger issues as well

It is an interesting question. Why do atheists persist? But your remarks only pertains to those who claim God doesn't exist. Do atheist always need to make a claim? What do you call someone who simply finds no good reason to believe the claim of a god and therefore dismisses it?
It's called agnostic. Athiest, by definition, is denying the existence of god, regardless of whether modern atheists some want to change the word's meaning to reflect a less inflammatory position. In my mind, people who claim to be "atheist" but really take an agnostic stanpoint(we can't know or I don't feel the need to be religious) should just call themselves what they are - agnostic.
Again you argue against a strawman and assume a false dichotomy. That someone is either certain of god or certain of no god. Skeptics simply site the lack of evidence and the availability of less presumptuous explanations, and therefore dismiss the conclusion. This automatically qualifies us as atheists. Just as all newborns are atheists, and just as people who believe in a deity are atheist to every god but the one(s) they worship or fear.
Once again, these that you are naming are agnostic. Either unaware or apathetic to the existence of a god. Atheism by definition is completely denying the possibility of the existence of a god.
As far as people being "atheist" to every god but the one they worship - I don't think I agree with this.
Christians believe any other "gods" are actually either demons, or satan in disguise.
Neopagans attribute just as much power to one god as any other - essentially the powers and domains given to that god in their mythology. Neptune would have power over the seas as based in his mythology, Jehovah would have power over everything, as is said in his own mythology.
Buddhists recognize that all religions have worth and don't refute or deny them
In fact, the only group I see consistently denying all other gods except their own(which in this case becomes all of them) is atheism.