ate a crapload of food


Active Member
not really i just ate a pint cup of ben and jerry's cookie dough chunk ice cream cuz i'm zooted and when i finished the shit i read the label and damn. a serving size is half a cup and theres 4 servings per container. so at 40% i had 160% of my saturated fats 80% of total fat and 88% of my cholesterol for the day. i laughed. that's incredible. but it tasted fucking delicious. 40% vitamin A though :bigjoint:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It was irony :D You went out of your way to create a thread explaining that you ate more than your RDA of something. This shit should be on the news. Everyone must know about this crazy shit! OMG NO WAAYYYYYY

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As is trying to validate your life with worthless threads.

OMG, i went for a run today and i got tired, i need to make a thread and tell everyone all about this crazy occurrence that surely noone knows about!

My point is that this thread blows. You ate lots of food and as such had more than your GDA of something, fucking wow, who would have though :lol:


Well-Known Member
As is trying to validate your life with worthless threads.

OMG, i went for a run today and i got tired, i need to make a thread and tell everyone all about this crazy occurrence that surely noone knows about!

My point is that this thread blows. You ate lots of food and as such had more than your GDA of something, fucking wow, who would have though :lol:
maybe the dude was bored and decided to make a thread?... who cares.. but a servings only a half cup of ice cream? thats stupid


Active Member
nah a serving size was 1/2 a cup and the pint is 4 servings so 2 cups total. which is nothing in terms of volume. it was filling but the point was to show how the labels make you misinterpret what you're eating and you think that pint of ice cream isn't that much. its really you're last fucking meal

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh, i don't really care, just pointing out the uselessness of the thread, he makes it sound as if noeone could possibly have read the back of a food container before. As if we should be shocked or something. I thought we were grownups on this site, plainly not.


Well-Known Member
Oh, i don't really care, just pointing out the uselessness of the thread, he makes it sound as if noeone could possibly have read the back of a food container before. As if we should be shocked or something. I thought we were grownups on this site, plainly not.
If we could only be so relevant and interesting as you. Hmmm maybe this thread would be better suited on a sub forum where members could like smoke and then talk about what ever they want maybe call it toke and talk? We should get a mod on that

Moral of the story chill out it would be a real shame to waste space on something so finite as the Internet


Well-Known Member
If we could only be so relevant and interesting as you. Hmmm maybe this thread would be better suited on a sub forum where members could like smoke and then talk about what ever they want maybe call it toke and talk? We should get a mod on that

Moral of the story chill out it would be a real shame to waste space on something so finite as the Internet
He's indeed very relevant and interesting ^^

He just doesn't understand the point of the original post, the motive of someone who feels the need to inform us in a new thread he read the back of the icecream cup and, subsequently how we're supposed to react to something like that. I read the nutritional information... perhaps I shouldn't have eaten the entire pint cup...

...Who in the world should think it okay to eat and entire int cup of ice cream regardless of what the label tells you?

It's nothing personal, just a WTF is this shit moment, like Unclebuck's famous 'One-starred', the generic 'Cool Story Bro' and my 'This Thread Already Exists'.

Plus we have the Random Jibber Jabber Thread that is actually relevant now... and threads on nutrion, health and fitness.. Troll Wars, even xxx

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yeah, tag team! lol

Oh my god, i just drank loads of fizzy pop and burped, must go and make a thread explaining this incredible occurrence! ZOMG!

And it has nothing to do with relevant and interesting, it has to do with what must your life be like to make one go out of their way to get online and tell the world about this amazing thing you discovered. IT's pathetic whichever way you look at it, interesting doesn't even begin to enter the equation :lol: You mean to say it's possible to eat more of soemthing than is recomended, jesus, who would have known :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, tag team! lol

Oh my god, i just drank loads of fizzy pop and burped, must go and make a thread explaining this incredible occurrence! ZOMG!

And it has nothing to do with relevant and interesting, it has to do with what must your life be like to make one go out of their way to get online and tell the world about this amazing thing you discovered. IT's pathetic whichever way you look at it, interesting doesn't even begin to enter the equation :lol: You mean to say it's possible to eat more of soemthing than is recomended, jesus, who would have known :D


Well-Known Member
I'm sure thre is some witty remark about never being able to eat to much pussy and chicks should come with a recommended serving size before they love you forever on there asses but I just can't seem to connect the dots on that one... I agree not the most solid post of a thread but it sure distracted me for ten mins while my oven pre heats to 450 for a pot pie.... And for that I thank him.