Know what you are eating....

tl;dr: we're all gonna die. some of us will eat delicious foods before we go. i'm more worried about sharing the road with thousands of decrepit 2 ton death machines driven by drunks and people on ambien. pass the cupcakes.
It is true, you take 2 people who are active, one eats food bought from store, the other eats organic and natural foods, the 2nd guy lives longer. Not saying all store bought food is bad, but there is so much shit added to it that doesent even make it "food" just makes it a chunk of poison.

they've gotten to you too... organic is not any healthier than any other type of food... it's just how it's handled.
Organic does not indicate healthier in any way shape or form...
again I deal with organic accounts... just saying
stay high
I like to know what kind of shit is in my food. At least give me the information so I can decide for myself what chemicals, and/or anal juice I will eat, or pass on.