Ask something socially unacceptable


Well-Known Member
Some of the finest people ive met have been gay! i am sorry you cant appreciate there paths in life! What a douchebag post! I know they say it takes all kinds but sheesh man dont hate on good fucken people!


Ursus marijanus
Some of the finest people ive met have been gay! i am sorry you cant appreciate there paths in life! What a douchebag post! I know they say it takes all kinds but sheesh man dont hate on good fucken people!
On the one hand, I decided to ignore the homophobia. On the other, it IS an Unacceptable Questions thread. cn


Well-Known Member
Some of the finest people ive met have been gay! i am sorry you cant appreciate there paths in life! What a douchebag post! I know they say it takes all kinds but sheesh man dont hate on good fucken people!
whose the fucking douchebag for getting pissy about a post in a thread called, "Ask something socially unacceptable." you piece of fucking shit, i'll say it again in case you can't fucking read. this thread is called, "Ask something socially unacceptable."

fuck you. you clearly don't understand where you are or the circumstances of what this thread is about. i bet you are voting for Obama because that fucker is just about as clueless and misplaced as you. you two should hang out together with Jimmy Carter in the, "i only did one term because i was a fucking failure," thread.

here, i'm going to "ask something socially unacceptable" again. why doesn't VTMi'kmaq get the fuck out, before i slit his throat and ram a broomstick up his ass Abu Ghraib style?


Well-Known Member
whose the fucking douchebag for getting pissy about a post in a thread called, "Ask something socially unacceptable." you piece of fucking shit, i'll say it again in case you can't fucking read. this thread is called, "Ask something socially unacceptable."

fuck you. you clearly don't understand where you are or the circumstances of what this thread is about. i bet you are voting for Obama because that fucker is just about as clueless and misplaced as you. you two should hang out together with Jimmy Carter in the, "i only did one term because i was a fucking failure," thread.

here, i'm going to "ask something socially unacceptable" again. why doesn't VTMi'kmaq get the fuck out, before i slit his throat and ram a broomstick up his ass Abu Ghraib style?
what i wasnt socially unacceptable enough? geez dont hate!lol whatever!

Dice Clay

Active Member
what i wasnt socially unacceptable enough? geez dont hate!lol whatever!
Jesus all you have to do is look at what you said and it's tone... and his response..... where the fuck does all this hatred and anger come from against people you do not know? What I understand less is why after such a rant that these psychopaths have to somehow tie in a political reference to "obummer" or "libturds".... oh how I miss even the ruse of intillectual discorse.


Well-Known Member
My question here is can I hi-jack for one post? I see you in this thread frequently.
Human beings are complex creatures. We try to categorize and compartmentalize, but, we never really fit the mold. We all have our unique little nooks and crannies.
Carne I over-reacted and was wrong to openly disrespect you in a previous thread of mine. I've been wanting to offer you the olive branch. I like what you mean in this post. My apologies.


Well-Known Member
Heph, Pics or it didn't happen!!
Ive got a taboo question.
Do u sleep with ur Missus all 4 weeks of the month or does she get a week off? Only a true diver dives the Red Sea !!!
Now, that's taboo.
"Ron White: When my wife's on her period, she won't have sex with me at all! No way! Which is bullshit, because if the roller coaster's broken, they don't shut down the whole amusement park! People standing outside the fence going, "The log ride's still working. And I've got some 'coupins'!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My question here is can I hi-jack for one post? I see you in this thread frequently.

Carne I over-reacted and was wrong to openly disrespect you in a previous thread of mine. I've been wanting to offer you the olive branch. I like what you mean in this post. My apologies.
Arctic. To be completely honest with you (and no I'm not fucking with you), I don't even remember. My short term memory is wonky and if I don't interact with you on a constant basis? It just slips away. The more interaction I have, the more it sticks with my long term memory. You could have started a conversation with me and I would be none the wiser. It's all kinds of fucked up but I get by. LOL

No worries, bro. It's literally forgotten. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, that not holding resentment is a virtue. It was something bothering me. I did wrong, was called out and I lashed out.