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Well-Known Member
Thanks Chaoticmetal,

I'm planning on going with a NMH and a HPS both 100 Watts...

I'm limitted to space, and heat will become an issue *Until I put a big assed fan venting it out*

growing space 2.5' x 2.5' x 4'

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member


Could you post a timeline/timeframe of nutients that should be generaly used.

Im a first time grower and Im tring to get an idea of what the nutients should be like durnin the grow cycle. From start to finish. something along the line of say, seedlings ph and PPM levels.
Veg Time ph and PPM levels, Havest Time ph and PPM levels.

A push in the right direction would be great!



Well-Known Member
What is the easiest way to keep a mother going infinitely w/o bonsai-ing?
Well meaning of the art of bonsai is actually the miniaturizing of a plant/tree to keep it alive forever. Technically a tree only dies naturally from its own weight and gravity pulling down on itself to eventually kill it when to heavy/large. When a plant is constantly pruned, shaped and forced to stay small it can't get big/heavy enough to ever to damage and klll itself. Theoretically if a plant/tree is shaped/pruned correctly,kept disease free and always has a caregiver it will live forever. Just because it is in a shallow pot doesn't mean it's a bonsai, the technique is what counts. I keep my mothers in a 1-3 gallon pot and constantly shape and prune to force it to stay under 2ft at all times. When I know I am about a month from needing clones I just let it grow out and there are always more than enough for me. I posted a pic of my mother plants that are over 6 months old, sorry they aren't that great I'll take more for ya later.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Thanks Chao . . . that's exactly what I figured, only I use even smaller pots and try and keep mine at a foot.
What about the lighting required to keep her healthy, but out of flower. I mean, since I don't want vigorous growth 365, is there a preferred niche of light where one can maintain health w/o promoting vertical growth?
Speaking of, what's your take on vertical growth inhibitors, like BushMaster? Would that stuff allow a grower to stop the vertical growth well before goind 12/12 and still avoid the s-t-r-e-t-c-h?


Well-Known Member
i was at the hydro store just picked up some bat guano, forgot i needed another timer though so i've got to go back

dude said its better to take clones off the top, but i really don't want to i think i'll just let these do their thing & buy a few more to mother. is there any limit to how small clones should be? like no less than 4" or so?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chao . . . that's exactly what I figured, only I use even smaller pots and try and keep mine at a foot.
What about the lighting required to keep her healthy, but out of flower. I mean, since I don't want vigorous growth 365, is there a preferred niche of light where one can maintain health w/o promoting vertical growth?
Speaking of, what's your take on vertical growth inhibitors, like BushMaster? Would that stuff allow a grower to stop the vertical growth well before goind 12/12 and still avoid the s-t-r-e-t-c-h?

I think you should have 3 nodes to your clone... but that's just want I've read... Mind you I did my first set of clones with just 1 node.... and they seemed to turnout ok.... but I think it stresses them out pretty good being small


Well-Known Member
thats what i figured just i only used a half a does of grow big so thats why its so minimal but im just letting her be and seeing how she does


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chao . . . that's exactly what I figured, only I use even smaller pots and try and keep mine at a foot.
What about the lighting required to keep her healthy, but out of flower. I mean, since I don't want vigorous growth 365, is there a preferred niche of light where one can maintain health w/o promoting vertical growth?
Speaking of, what's your take on vertical growth inhibitors, like BushMaster? Would that stuff allow a grower to stop the vertical growth well before goind 12/12 and still avoid the s-t-r-e-t-c-h?
I keep my mothers under like 1 65 watt cfl each,seems to be enough to get good growth but nothing to fast, remember if you take to much light away they actually stretch more. Keeping a mother isnt neccessarily about making it grow slow, I want my clones o grow back quick afetr every prune in case I need something. Theres nothing wrong with cutting plants back to keep them small. I have a 3 month old plant thats less than 6 inches tall. It up to you really. I havent ever used any vertical growth inhibitors so I dont have any info on how well they work.


Well-Known Member
i was at the hydro store just picked up some bat guano, forgot i needed another timer though so i've got to go back

dude said its better to take clones off the top, but i really don't want to i think i'll just let these do their thing & buy a few more to mother. is there any limit to how small clones should be? like no less than 4" or so?

I have taken successfull clones from every part of the plant and since I have designated mothers I dont care where they come from, I just pick the healthiest ones. If you want to take clones from a plant before ya go into 12-12, then take a lower branch and clone that so ya dont ruin your top colas. I have takes 3" clones when in a pinch but like to stay between 4"-8".