Ask beenthere here!

dont banks use our money as investments to make more money and intern stimulate our economy . . . .i dont really know how off shore accounts/banks work but im sure they invest in there own local economies . . . .i might be missing some key information but thats how i figured it worked out

see how easy that is to express how you think(and i know i might be wrong , i dont pretend im perfect)

Yes they can to some extent, but unless their engaging in local operations it's more or less a shelter.
My whole point behind Mitt Romney's offshore accounts is, whether they are sitting in offshore banks or domestic banks, it's private money. I don't believe it's anyone's business what a private citizen does with their money as long as it is was taxed. When and where these investors let loose of that money for future ventures is entirely up to that group.
Yes they can to some extent, but unless their engaging in local operations it's more or less a shelter.
My whole point behind Mitt Romney's offshore accounts is, whether they are sitting in offshore banks or domestic banks, it's private money. I don't believe it's anyone's business what a private citizen does with their money as long as it is was taxed. When and where these investors let loose of that money for future ventures is entirely up to that group.

and there lies the problem as you said, everything should be kosher . .so why not release your records . . . . .in this case pleading the fifth in my opinion is an indication of guilt of some

sort . . .we all know how he operates . . so why the secrecy . . .it does more to discredit him then if there was a discrepancy . . .and during a political campaign .. it makes no sense to

shoulder skeletons when they wont even necessarily effect your outlook, as his supporters dont really give a shit if he made his money or if he was given it at 18 by daddy
and there lies the problem as you siad, everythign shoudl be kosher . .so why not release your records . . . . .in this case pleading the fifth in my opionon is an indication of guilt of some sort . . .we all know how he operates . . so why the secrecy . . .

As far as the legalities of his tax records go you are correct, but lets be honest.
Even if everything was on the legal up and up, do you think the democrats would use his legally earned wealth as a tool for class warfare?
As far as the legalities of his tax records go you are correct, but lets be honest.
Even if everything was on the legal up and up, do you think the democrats would use his legally earned wealth as a tool for class warfare?

In the sense that he has absolutely no idea how it's like to be middle America. Yes. 90% of American's don't have more than 100k in the bank. When you have millions upon millions, you kinda don't know what's it's like to live everyday life now do you?
of course . . i dont support by partisan bulling . . but truth is truth doesn't mater what political affiliation they have if they are defrauding the Americana people and or the government . . any politician needs to be squeaky clean and transparent he wants us to trust him . .. . .he better show us we can . . . . .dogs on roof, rehashing cold war with china, molesting gay(not sure if guy was gay) hippies . . . . .selling doped up horses . . .its not a pretty picture if you look at ethical decisions he makes, he always bets on money vs morality of any sort

and you know what money aint important people are, he puts people second and profit margin increases first
In the sense that he has absolutely no idea how it's like to be middle America. Yes. 90% of American's don't have more than 100k in the bank. When you have millions upon millions, you kinda don't know what's it's like to live everyday life now do you?

But why would a president need to know what it's like to be middle America?
Maybe it's just me but I don't want the leader of the most powerful country on this planet to be an average Joe!
Basically, but in his twisted mine he answered them perfectly find. I really hope he doesn't believe his bullshit.

The difference is that mr2shim thinks that anyone who doesn't use spell check is a complete retard.

Nice going mr2shim...

Aw,.. you want to speak for me. It's cute I have a crush, but it's kinda weird dude......

mr2shim, though, jumped my ass the other night for using an errant e. My post was just a laugh at 2shit's hypocricy...

As for your spelling errors, you should use that thing you were telling me about.
You must rember now?
of course . . i dont support by partisan bulling . . but truth is truth doesn't mater what political affiliation they have if they are defrauding the Americana people and or the government . . any politician needs to be squeaky clean and transparent he wants us to trust him . .. . But both you and I know that is a improbability at best .he better show us we can . . . . .dogs on roof, rehashing cold war with china, molesting gay(not sure if guy was gay) hippies . . . . .selling doped up horses . . .its not a pretty picture if you look at ethical decisions he makes, he always bets on money vs morality of any sort Cmon, dog on the roof and doped up horses, really!

and you know what money aint important people are, he puts people second and profit margin increases first

If you are inferring that businesses should put people first at all costs(not withstanding health and safety), you're naive, businesses would cease to exist!
A mute question is one asked by a dumb person right? oh, you mean Moot, having no further relevence.

But I am asking the same question. It doesn't matter if it is retirement or not, Nor is it a red herring. the question is quite simple andI doubt it can be any more easily framed.

How does money in an offshore account create jobs in America? I am not "saying" anything and I am certainly not claiming that Romney is obliged to do anything at all with his money.

I am trying to just read and not post but I have to respond to this one. It is possible to create American jobs by spurring foreign growth, but that is really not the point. The correct and legitimate answer is: it's his money, he gets to invest it as he sees fit, he has no obligation to create jobs anywhere.

One could also turn the question 180 degrees: How does creating a tax system that encourages offshore accounts create jobs in America? If American politicians want to create American jobs maybe they ought to change the American tax system to induce wealthy people to invest in American companies.
I am trying to just read and not post but I have to respond to this one. It is possible to create American jobs by spurring foreign growth, but that is really not the point. The correct and legitimate answer is: it's his money, he gets to invest it as he sees fit, he has no obligation to create jobs anywhere.

One could also turn the question 180 degrees: How does creating a tax system that encourages offshore accounts create jobs in America? If American politicians want to create American jobs maybe they ought to change the American tax system to induce wealthy people to invest in American companies.

That's a bit like saying that giving a game rules encourages cheating. It's giving the appearance of saying something meaningful to what's effectively a tautology. Try to imagine (and describe) a taxation scheme that doesn't encourage offshore accounts and all other sorts of finessing the system. cn
Sorry, I realize this was in the beginning, but I just had to point out the complete and utter ignorance of this statement.

I missed the original post but yeah, it is ass backwards. Inflation extracts value from the fiat currency being inflated in the same way that counterfeiting devalues currency. In my opinion, monetary inflation is simply counterfeiting done by the authorities.
That's a bit like saying that giving a game rules encourages cheating. It's giving the appearance of saying something meaningful to wat's effectively a tautology. Try to imagine (and describe) a taxation scheme that doesn't encourage offshore accounts and all other sorts of finessing the system. cn

Drop the tax rate to zero for all funds kept in a US financial institution. Drop the capital gains tax rate to zero for capital gains in American companies.