Ask beenthere here!

Tell me Canndo how do you post on this website from sticks and mud you stuck together? Do you generate electricity from the methane gas you put out when you speak? Big business being evil and all are you forum telepathic?

Here it is again. If I say something positive about Obama I must be in the tank for him. If I say a bad thing about business I must surely be living in a cave somewhere, after all, if I don't worship business with all my heart and soul I must actually hate them.

post 4
your answer

post 23 . . . no answer
post 25 no answer

your answer

then later

your response

No answer

lmfao as did you even read post 4 . . it was a relevant question as any . . . nice try though . . .nonism

"People pay for Romney's services and nothing he does is illegal. If you are angry that Romney can do what he wants with the money he has then nothing can answer this question to your liking maybe Greece is the answer you have been looking for?"

news flash dipshit, tax evasion is a crime a federal one at that

News flash! The IRS takes care of tax evaders (well at least conservative ones) not his tax records and public opinion.
beenthere, let me assist you in understanding the meaning of "answer questions". This thread is your chance to showcase who you are, what you believe (esp. politically), and why. You are in complete control of your responses here.
But an answer, in order to qualify as such, must generate substantive, consistent information about ... who you are, what you think and why. Most of the questions are posed to probe just that. What I find unfortunate 9bordering on offensive) is that you are striving mightily to not provide answers while engaging in jesuitry sich as claiming "did too!".

You promised to answer questions in this thread. Answers are substantive things in which you commit a real opinion to the audience. I wonder if you'll begin playing by these rules. Otherwise, imo you are duty-bound to rescind your pledge to ... answer questions. cn

<add> Note, for instance, lifegoesonbrah's post above. The simple fact that I do not agree with it means that he has provided substantive, discussible information about what he thinks. And as such, i respect his post even as I disagree with it, because he has at least provided enough meat for me to sink my teeth into it. If you provide answers with which one cannot even disagree, you're only showcasing your penchant for evasion.

How very much like our current republican candidate - interesting, do they all do this?
Oh my no Life, what you are talking about is an illusion. We are expected to believe that a totally free market is in the best interest of consumers but it is in the best interest of stock holders first and foremost. You are talking about a situation where there is no subversive influence over the population. This sort of free enterprise does not exist and may have never existed. I can see how you might believe this but it is not so. the free market is not a stable thing.

I don't want power over the population.

How is it unstable? How can it be more unstable than our current situation?
I don't want power over the population.

How is it unstable? How can it be more unstable than our current situation?

It isn't a question of what you want, it is how corporatons work, it is what they do in the background while we are not looking. It is how we are manipulated.
The Republicans claim to be the Freedom Party, how can they make this claim when they do not accept all social lifestyles and Republicans support anti civil rights bills like the patriot act and NDAA?

They only care about the freedom to become and remain a billionaire. They go out of their way to decry "big gov't and liberal policy" if they can win points politically or if it has any implication of costing the ultrawealthy.

The current incarnation of the party gained all of it's prominence as opponents of FDR's New Deal. In fact the lib/con dichotomy was added to political vernacular among the other dichotomies to describe how each party at the time interpreted the constitution. With both parties obliged to respect the founding document, one party wished to favor demand and labor, while the other wished to favor supply and the private monopolies. It was purely about fiscal policy. Fear mongering and pandering to evangelical and racist interests allowed the small elite to appeal to a wider audience. This is how social issues gained the spotlight.
Sigh -

What opinions do you have that are not the same opinions as those that big business would like you to have?
Is that more clear?

Actually no, it's just as clear as the last question.
So I'll repeat myself if you like. People like you think "big business" is the root to all of our economic woes. Unlike you, I believe that it is the governments involvement with big business that creates the evil you think exists in big business.

You see all regulations as a public service, I see some of them that way but also understand that the over regulating that government is notorious for paves the way for market takes overs by eliminating competition, hence crony capitalism. You I believe fail to realize this.
i forgot big busienss didn't run mom and pop business out of business, only so they can outsource all the manufacturing cost else where big business never does that, i.e jobs? our jobs or possible jobs

big busineess like to increase profit margins instead of increase efficiency pay its workers more or expand and make more jobs . . .. . big business is definitively part of the problem
i forgot big busienss didn't run mom and pop business out of business, only so they can outsource all the manufacturing cost else where big business never does that, i.e jobs? our jobs or possible jobs

big busineess like to increase profit margins instead of increase efficiency pay its workers more . . .. . big business is definitively part of the problem

Why people support big business I will never understand. Oh right, they're so fucking arrogant they don't know what it does. It breaks America, and for what? A private jet for some asshole? America Fuck yea...
It isn't a question of what you want, it is how corporatons work, it is what they do in the background while we are not looking. It is how we are manipulated.

What are they doing to take over markets? They are in bed with politicians, they find tax and regulatory loopholes that small businesses cannot. They abuse our overly complex system to their advantage. I want a more simplistic and transparent system that have natural regulation in place, which they cannot buy or cheat their way out of. Of course the free market isn't perfect, but I believe that it would be a lot better than our current system. None of you have offered any reasoning to the contrary.
What are they doing to take over markets? They are in bed with politicians, they find tax and regulatory loopholes that small businesses cannot. They abuse our overly complex system to their advantage. I want a more simplistic and transparent system that have natural regulation in place, which they cannot buy or cheat their way out of. Of course the free market isn't perfect, but I believe that it would be a lot better than our current system. None of you have offered any reasoning to the contrary.

Here's their reason "Socialist! You just want to not have to work! WELFARE! You want handouts! People have to suffer for being successful!"

That's their logic.
Here's their reason "Socialist! You just want to not have to work! WELFARE! You want handouts! People have to suffer for being successful!"

That's their logic.

Their logic is hypocritical at best because their policies show that they do not believe in free market principle, the Republicans are pro business and pro favoritism. Your logic goes in circles, the dems push for these regulations with the lack of understanding that large corporations will always find ways around these laws. Money, like water, will always find its way. I want something that we have never had before, simplicity in the markets which allows for business equality. You want to regulate businesses in attempts to control them, which obviously, as we have seen, doesn't work. I want freedom for both businesses and consumers.
What are they doing to take over markets? They are in bed with politicians, they find tax and regulatory loopholes that small businesses cannot. They abuse our overly complex system to their advantage. I want a more simplistic and transparent system that have natural regulation in place, which they cannot buy or cheat their way out of. Of course the free market isn't perfect, but I believe that it would be a lot better than our current system. None of you have offered any reasoning to the contrary.

I think you and I both oppose the same thing, corporate policy mingling with gov't policy. We just have different ideas on how it became and how to fix. I think that complete deregulation is going to benefit them as much as the current regulations and that New Deal regulations are (were) the bane.

I also think cannabis prohibition is a policy that supports corporate interests. The wonderful plant has the power to give ordinary people the means of production of a wide swath of products which can obviate demand for products of which the supply can be monopolized. It frees us from having to buy many products, it can even free us from oil.
explain to me how the global economy works better when money meant to be infused back into one economy is completely funding another's that has zero responsibility to our problems/issues. . You are talking about private money Samwell, how is it your decision that privately owned money must be infused (investment risk) back into an economy of your choice?.how will that economy that is in a recession bounce back when inflation is being used to pump value back into our dollar while ass hats like Romney are flooding off shore banks with profits made at the expense of the tax payer

Please explain what you mean by flooding offshore banks, if that same money was in domestic banks how would it be beneficial to US jobs?

Please explain what you mean by flooding offshore banks, if that same money was in domestic banks how would it be beneficial to US jobs?

Let's assume nobody paid taxes and were able to avoid them. How would that help? I hope you have millions stashed. I can't see how you could defend this practice otherwise.
dont banks use our money as investments to make more money and intern stimulate our economy . . . .i dont really know how off shore accounts/banks work but im sure they invest in there own local economies . . . .i might be missing some key information but thats how i figured it worked out

see how easy that is to express how you think(and i know i might be wrong , i dont pretend im perfect)
I think you and I both oppose the same thing, corporate policy mingling with gov't policy. We just have different ideas on how it became and how to fix. I think that complete deregulation is going to benefit them as much as the current regulations and that New Deal regulations are (were) the bane.


With all due respect, I think your statement is backwards.
I contend the federal government policies are mingling with the free market!
Let's assume nobody paid taxes and were able to avoid them. How would that help? I hope you have millions stashed. I can't see how you could defend this practice otherwise.

We can assume that Mr2shime, but that is not the case with most offshore accounts in the last 15 years. If you are insinuating that offshore accounts are tax exempt shelters, you are wrong.
We can assume that Mr2shime, but that is not the case with most offshore accounts in the last 15 years. If you are insinuating that offshore accounts are tax exempt shelters, you are wrong.

Do explain more than mr. smarty pants. Clearly you know about offshore accounts to do tell.