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are you scared of being accused of rape now?

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Kale smoothies are awesome!

Take 1 cup kale, 1 cup spinach, 1 frozen banana, 1 cup frozen pineapple and 1 apple. Blend that shit up one the 1 setting using a Vitamix. Enjoy. That's $6 at Juice It Up for a fraction of the price.

i do similar but use spinach..i have a NUTRI-BULLET.

a doctor told me once that people would pay for my genetics..i have a very low normal platelet count so blood will always remain viscous, my body temp is 98 or 97.9..never 98.6
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I went from 6.9 A1C and a random glucose of 230 to 5.4 A1C in six months. My glucose spikes to a maximum of 160. Within 2 hours I'm under 120, and within 5 hours under 100. When fasting for 8 hours it's between 77 and 85.

But, if were to eat sugar or lots of fat, which aren't healthy for ANYONE, I can spike to 195, and after 8 hours I'm 115.

So for the last six months I went on a 100% organic whole food, no processed foods, no sugar, no wheat and no oils. Just like everyone ate over 100 years ago.

Eating properly my glucose levels and A1C are PERFECT.

Americans shouldn't the garbage they do. Only if I eat garbage does my glucose go haywire.

So yes I'm very healthy. Does a person who goes into shock from a peanut and need an Epi-pen "unhealthy?"

My BMI is 24.9. Blood pressure is 115/75. I exercise for 30-45 minutes everyday of high intensity cardio.

My doctor says my diabetes is managed and reversed(he says I'm the only one who has EVER done what I did in over his 30 years of practice, and by now have to count carbs and take Metformin), but if I ate a traditional SAD, my pancreas and liver would eventually fail. Just like your fail claim I'm unhealthy.

Instead I can eat as much as I want. No carb counting, or calorie restrictions. Actually, I have to constantly eat or I dramatically lose weight.
i do similar but use spinach..i have a NUTRI-BULLET.

a doctor told me once that people would pay for my genetics..i have a very low normal platelet count so blood will always remain viscous, my body temp is 98 or 97.9..never 98.6
Isn't that cute. The narcissists are talking about themselves to each other.
Emotionally unstable weakilings who think they're healthy because of their body temperatures seem to be misunderstanding what significance it has. A better measurement of health derived from taking one's body temperature would be to understand how well their bodies cool in hot weather or during exercise or how well they generate heat in cold weather.

If you need to put on a sweater after 3 minutes in an air conditioned room because you feel uncomfortably cold, it's an indication that you are weak and that your little shriveled heart isn't going to last long into your old age.

I see plenty of weaklings who can't spend much time underwater and slow progress on hard dives by being there instead of someone who isn't such a weakling.

Lay off the cigarettes and cut down on the sugar.
Anywhere between 97.5 and 99.5 is considered normal. Body temperature has absolutely nothing to do with indicating a level of health within those parameters.

It would be like saying you're more healthy because your heart rate is 65 when the range of normal is 60 to 100.

Anything within the normal range is...wait for it...NORMAL.

That anybody would equate a normal parameter to being more healthy is stupid on a level I rarely encounter.
Anywhere between 97.5 and 99.5 is considered normal. Body temperature has absolutely nothing to do with indicating a level of health within those parameters.

It would be like saying you're more healthy because your heart rate is 65 when the range of normal is 60 to 100.

Anything within the normal range is...wait for it...NORMAL.

That anybody would equate a normal parameter to being more healthy is stupid on a level I rarely encounter.

you don't have my platelet count though..perhaps it's the combination? i've never had cancer.

i believe i has to do with scanda heritage though @Sir Napsalot even though i've never had seal.
you don't have my platelet count though..perhaps it's the combination? i've never had cancer.

i believe i has to do with scanda heritage though @Sir Napsalot even though i've never had seal.

Higher platelet counts act thermoregulation sensors to let your hypothalamus know to increase metabolism and will actually raise temperature. Higher platelet count and proper melatonin production and use in a healthy individual is about 98.2F. As the day goes on your hypothalamus increases your temperature close to 100F before dropping again, signaling preparation for sleep to reset your hypothalamus to produce hormones, including melatonin.

Your 97.9F low side is well within the normal +/-1F range.

While you sleep temperature can drop as low as -2F from the real average of 98.2F to 96.2F.

The reason for the oft quoted 98.6F or about 37C is because Dr. Wunderlich used a thermometer that wasn't as accurate as the ones we use today taking over 15 minutes before the most accurate reading could be read.
Lower platelet counts prevent thermoregulation and will actually raise temperature. Higher platelet count and proper melatonin production and use in a healthy individual is about 98.2F. As the day goes on your hypothalamus increases your temperature close to 100F before dropping again, signaling preparation for sleep to reset your hypothalamus to produce hormones, including melatonin.

Your 97.9F low side is well within the normal +/-1F range.

While you sleep temperature can drop as low as -2F from the real average of 98.2F to 96.2F.

The reason for the oft quoted 98.6F or about 37C is because Dr. Wunderlich used a thermometer that wasn't as accurate as the ones we use today taking over 15 minutes before the most accurate reading could be read.

Dr. Wunderlich? Is that a real guy, or were you just being a cunning linguist?