As a man, are you scared right now?

are you scared of being accused of rape now?

  • Yes

  • No, I’m not a rapist

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Just answe the question you pedophile neo nazi

We’re whites being denied service by black people before civil rights, or is that an imaginary fantasy you cooked up?

How is that relevant to any person alive today who prefers not to have others force them to serve another person ?
He’s proposing this fictional history in which black people were somehow victimized by civil rights laws so he can do a “NO YOURE THE RACIST”

Trying to call others racist who aren’t is the favorite thing for a neo nazi to do, so rob is trying to do it even if it means inventing a fictional history that never happened

So, in the present. how many black people who'd prefer not to associate with you, do you have a right to threaten force to MAKE them serve you ? (like you owned them)
His only education is in neo nazi talking points

I'll have you know I graduated mega cum loudly.

So, how many people who are willing to leave you alone if you leave them alone do you think you have a right to force to serve you ? (as if you owned them)
I think if I expect public patronage, it is illegal and immoral to discriminate against people for the color of their skin, their ethnicity, their creed, their religion, their religion, their sexuality—none of that shit is my business. By definition, my business would be money, the only color of which is green. If I cared about a business or money.

I believe money no longer serves its purpose, like various other social concepts we all agree to abide by at each other’s expense, when it isn’t even real nor backed by actual worth, but “faith.” A person’s suffering is real. Everyone will experience enough of it in their lifetime, I care whether or not I cause more for them. If I am to cause pain to someone, they will have deserved it through their desire to cause harm to the welfare of others and the peace of the nation and entire world.
Maybe you’ve never heard of the Jim Crow laws or Segregation, but African Americans fought AGAINST segregation. It’s not “slavery” to oppose segregation and for equality in a society where people are not regarded as different due to the color of their skin. Stop co-opting them to twist up in your bullshit propaganda like you give a shit about people of color. Racist old fuck.

Forcible segregation and forcible integration are both forcible. Which is why they're wrong.

Also, your argument is weak, like you were losing or something...

I was under the impression that people are still allowed to run private clubs if their goal is to be discriminant in regard to race or creed in business. For a business license in public however, such discrimination is not legal or ethical.
That’s horrific but it’s ok to do it to someone who works for someone you disagree with. It’s odd that Libs can’t see the same thing in themselves that they hate in others.
its a matter of the "libs" giving a taste of their own medicine to republicans....see how they like their own ways used against republicans out
I was under the impression that people are still allowed to run private clubs if their goal is to be discriminant in regard to race or creed in business. For a business license in public however, such discrimination is not legal or ethical.


I was under the impression that in order for people to have "equal rights" no person could delegate a right they don't possess (the right to force somebody to interact / serve you) to other people.

Also, "allow" (your word) slave talk.
Oh, I see. He just woke up (hence the yawn) from his dream about a magical pedo-land where there's no government and it's considered polite to refuse service to people based on race in public business establishments.
I think if I expect public patronage, it is illegal and immoral to discriminate against people for the color of their skin, their ethnicity, their creed, their religion, their religion, their sexuality—none of that shit is my business. By definition, my business would be money, the only color of which is green. If I cared about a business or money.

I believe money no longer serves its purpose, like various other social concepts we all agree to abide by at each other’s expense, when it isn’t even real nor backed by actual worth, but “faith.” A person’s suffering is real. Everyone will experience enough of it in their lifetime, I care whether or not I cause more for them. If I am to cause pain to someone, they will have deserved it through their desire to cause harm to the welfare of others and the peace of the nation and entire world.

So you think there are people who have the right to force somebody else to serve them ?

I don't have that right, it goes against my morals.
So you think there are people who have the right to force somebody else to serve them ?

I don't have that right, it goes against my morals.
Were whites being denied service by black people before civil rights, or is that an imaginary fantasy you cooked up?
Oh, I see. He just woke up (hence the yawn) from his dream about a magical pedo-land where there's no government and it's considered polite to refuse service to people based on race in public business establishments.

I really think it's swell that you finally got out of mom's basement and claim to have a job.

Are you the guy that puts the pickles and mustard on the burgers or are you the guy that sweeps up the errant French fries and mops the floor?
Were whites being denied service by black people before civil rights, or is that an imaginary fantasy you cooked up?

How is that relevant to the question of whether you or I or anyone has a right to make another person use their property and their body to serve others against their will? It isn't. Now you're like triple, quadruple losing. Again.
How is that relevant to the question of whether you or I or anyone has a right to make another person use their property and their body to serve others against their will? It isn't. Now you're like triple, quadruple losing. Again.
Were whites being denied service by black people before civil rights, or is that an imaginary fantasy you cooked up?