Arrrrrrrrr! any tips on how to use reg microscope to look at trichs!


Well-Known Member
:sad: I have a real miscroscope, lol, real as in it got a adjustable tray, eyoeice, stand and so on. I got slides, i got scalpes, and i got an eye. rofl. i cannot fig out how tu look at trichromes with it. Do i scrape? Do i look at leaf? DO i hold it up to plant? I am stumped but have been know to be stumped pretty easy when it comes to this stuff. Lol, pease help, any microscope users!:wall:


New Member
cut off a little bit of a leaf close to the buds and stick it under your microscope, hope that helped


Well-Known Member
Just wet mount the leaf and don't use the top piece of glass unless you really can't focus on anything. The main thing is to not squish the trichomes you're trying to view.


Well-Known Member
ty. i have been cutting off leaves all morning and all i see is leaf. big black looking leaf and all the nasty serrated looking edges which i see can cut the crap outa yur stomach! I have yet to see a trich. I am on right path that is good. I had better results making a version of my own 420 scope with 2 mag glasses, but it does not get thst close. the prob is cant see what is on the leaf just the leaf! I still learning, so ty for etting me know i in right dir. i got the whole scope new in case for 5 dollars from my neighbor the thrift store! They gave me my veg cab for free, lol. I might be early the trichs sure look awesome, i mean really inspire awe at nature with 2 mag glasses though. I think i getting weirder as i grow . I spent fri night just staring at my plants! best night ever.


Well-Known Member
Remember, you really only need between 10x (jeweler's loupe) and 30x magnification. Yeah, you could go stronger, but it might make it hard to make an... "overall" judgment on appearance.

That's a fucking INCREDIBLE deal, assuming all the glass is still good and the knobs still make adjustments. You do know how to make a wet mount slide, yes?

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
ty. i have been cutting off leaves all morning and all i see is leaf. big black looking leaf and all the nasty serrated looking edges which i see can cut the crap outa yur stomach! I have yet to see a trich. I am on right path that is good. I had better results making a version of my own 420 scope with 2 mag glasses, but it does not get thst close. the prob is cant see what is on the leaf just the leaf! I still learning, so ty for etting me know i in right dir. i got the whole scope new in case for 5 dollars from my neighbor the thrift store! They gave me my veg cab for free, lol. I might be early the trichs sure look awesome, i mean really inspire awe at nature with 2 mag glasses though. I think i getting weirder as i grow . I spent fri night just staring at my plants! best night ever.
I have a 420 scope that was given to me as a gift. I use the 100X magnification and I swear, I can spend 45 minutes looking at one leaf. It is amazing to see up close and personal.

You maybe weird but not from just looking at your plants. :-P I spend hours at a time with my plants. Sometime I just sit back, take a bong rip or 2 and enjoy all the beauty that is marijuana. I also get pissed that this plant is illegal cause I can't share my lil grow op with anyone. I share ideas and stuff on here but I am still to paranoid to post pics. Been growing for several years and the only people to ever see my plants are my brother and wife.

I also thought the "shiney" would wear off of growing but it doesn't. Spending time with my plants is very good therapy and NEVER gets old.


Well-Known Member
We all got the weed fever, that good! Lol, i found this, but i got a question at end.

To make a wet mount place a sample on the slide. Using an eyedropper put a drop of water on the sample. Place one end of the cover slip on the slide and slowly lower the other end using the end of a toothpick. This will help to prevent air bubbles from getting trapped under the cover slip.

The water should just fill the space between the cover slip and the slide. If there is too much water and the cover slip is floating around, remove some water by holding the edge of a paper towel next to the edge of the cover slip. If there is too little water and some of the space under the cover slip is still dry, add more water by placing a drop right next to the cover slip. A little practice will help you learn how much water to add.

Now you are ready to compare wet mounts and dry mounts. Cut two small pieces of your hair. Place one on a slide and put a cover slip on it. This is a dry mount. Place the other piece of hair on the other slide and make a wet mount. Look at both slides. Draw a picture of both slides. Does one slide look better than the other? Repeat this exercise with other samples.

I'm using a reg leaf peice right? u can call me stupid but first tell me how do i see thru the leaf to see trichomes? Wait, do i put a light pointing down at the leaf? I got one under the elaf insteasd of mirror. Or am i looking at the side of a leaf, maybe if i fold it over itself then trichs could be seen. I bursting but my girl is asleep right now. I always seem to run into murphys aw when i first learning how to handle this kinda affair.


Well-Known Member
You're using the small leaves that grow right next to the bud. The ones that you can see trichs on. If you can't, then... wait.


Well-Known Member
Why? He's already got an even cheaper microscope, which is probably better for a lot of things, but mainly because the optics are likely of decent quality (I hope, for his sake).


Well-Known Member
Because you can put the magnifying glass next to the bud, with a microscope aren't they in a fixed position ? and have the shelf under the lens ? and have trouble getting enough light ?

Put the magnifying glass next to the bud and 3 seconds later you know.


Well-Known Member
You can do that with a jeweler's loupe, but it's got to be big enough magnification. A lot of people recommend getting a cheap-o 25x-30x microscope from Radioshack, but good luck holding it still enough to focus. I do have something similar, and it's a pain to try to focus with it while you're looking at trichs on the plant. So, a lot of people recommend cutting off a small bit of a bud leaf and putting that on a flat surface. This is pretty much the same thing, but with a "real" microscope (real good).

My son says he never worries about looking at trichs, he watches calyxes and pistils.


Well-Known Member
There is a real technique to using a loupe. I've got it down from practicing looking at diamonds and other gems. I like a standard microscope because it sits still and I can use the knobs to make my adjustments. The little handheld microscope really sucks for that sort of thing, and of course, with my louple it's just the 10x magnification and that's it.


Well-Known Member
There isn't a technique to a radioshack one, it's just small magnifying glasses and I believe they are plastic. Like I said I just put it next to the bud and in 3 seconds I know the answer. I think it has a 10x 20x 30x.

A real loupe I've never looked thru so if you want to explain the difference go ahead.


Well-Known Member
I gonna go for that loupe at radio shck. I just a block away. The microscope was a bitch for me. I used 2 mag glasses and got a sorta look but cant really tell if the heads are clouds or brown or partly cloudy. no detail like the pics posted on this site. damn they nice. The microscope i will master one day. i saw someone who had one for their comp,looked real nice. kids scope, i always wanted a reason to get one, now i finally got one!


Well-Known Member
There isn't a technique to a radioshack one, it's just small magnifying glasses and I believe they are plastic. Like I said I just put it next to the bud and in 3 seconds I know the answer. I think it has a 10x 20x 30x.

A real loupe I've never looked thru so if you want to explain the difference go ahead.
The loupe you linked has 5x, 10x, & 15x magnification. The thing with the loupe is holding it steady is all. You have that issue no matter what you're using to try to see with. I have an emerging problem with my eyes of late, and reading glasses are not cutting it. :roll:


Active Member
sounds like you dont have any trics yet?If u cant see them with a microscope you probably dont have any.You can see trics with the naked eye if they are there.and they dont normally cover the whole leaf unless its right off the bud itself,and buds are mature.Ive seen large fan leaves covered before on mature plants.Good luck.

