he was Pad and tty's go to. The guy was always running down Democrats while claiming to be Progressive.
Dore represents the authoritarian left which has many uncomfortable similarities to the radical right:
Dore's show even gave Boogaloos love, attention and a platform to speak from:
Their podcasts and shows are full of Boogaloos, “deep state” conspiracies, and even “great replacement” talking points. Which side is this, again?
During the interview with Dore, titled “Radical Michigan Anarchist Seeks Unity With the Left,” Panvidya posed in front of a rainbow “Don’t Tread On Me” flag and talked about why the Boogaloos are anti-cop. He asserted, “It is the top versus the bottom, it is not the left versus the right.” Dore then listed the things they agree about: “We would agree on the war, we would agree on the corporate control of our government, we would agree on police brutality. We’re not going to agree on the Second Amendment… you know what, I tell you what, I go back and forth on the Second Amendment.”
Dore, who reportedly just dropped $1.9 million on an Los Angeles bungalow, has gotten populist mileage himself out of anti-lockdown sentiment, asking why small businesses closed while Amazon was allowed to remain open, saying that the World Health Organization was “cautioning against the lockdowns,” and characterizing the lockdowns on gyms, salons, and sporting-goods stores as “creating death.” He also aired a protester who opposed COVID-19 restrictions as “a conspiracy” and “a tyranny.”
Boogaloos are not Anarchists, btw.