are you afriad of old age / death?

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Just curious on thoughts i knoww its not a common subject but that's why i chose it.

personally getting old scares me.
dying does not because i have died in the emergancy room and was brought back and i know its peaceful and nothing to fear. its just like sleeping.

old age however scares me mainly because of degradation of cells and everything that accompanies it.
Yes I'm afraid of getting older! my main concern is not being able to care for my self especially personal things, my mind is still young with a devilish sense of humour, I really wish my body was the same, but each day is painful exhausting and a struggle and sometimes death almost feels inviting, was it not for my children and grandchildren I would have given in to its invite many month's ago. I am not afraid of death itself, but I am a little concerned about the transition I hope its peaceful and quick. Leaving my family will be the hard part, my daughter still needs me where as my sons are very independent, to leave her would be hard. When you knock on deaths door your mind is consumed with death and every part of it, the only peace I have is that I have people who have passed waiting for me, just as I will wait for those I love to join me. As you might have guessed this is a subject I have given much thought to, so forgive me if I appear a little morbid. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Every now and then I find myself worrying about the dangers that come with growing old.. you know, increased risks at mental and physical health. But I guess there's no point in worrying as long as you take care of yourself. Some things aren't in your control such as time and growing old, so no use in living in fear. And death, I take peace in knowing that I die so more can live. I just hope I don't die in some messed up situation.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not, not at all. When it's my time it's my time. Still don't have any grey hairs and feel young at heart.

Just live each day like its your last.


New Member
I don't fear dying as such, I guess I just fear never getting to see the people that moulded me and my life ever again.
And when it comes to old age, you make the most of your situation and make yourself as old as you feel, not just the age of your body or years.


Well-Known Member
Been to the edge 3x, crossed it once {briefly mind you}.
I really shouldn't be here right now, but I am.The pain will cease to exist as will I, but will it be in fact an end?
It is that question that keeps a twisted smirk upon my face for I battle daily with the ravages of this life knowing full well it's toils have just begun, it is this battle that will bend and shape my mettle...thus making the true war, one of victory.