are you afriad of old age / death?


Well-Known Member
Just curious on thoughts i knoww its not a common subject but that's why i chose it.

personally getting old scares me.
dying does not because i have died in the emergancy room and was brought back and i know its peaceful and nothing to fear. its just like sleeping.

old age however scares me mainly because of degradation of cells and everything that accompanies it.


Well-Known Member
old age is relative to who you're standing next to. i don't mind getting old i just mind feeling it. i'm not afraid of death. but i will fight it to the end.


Well-Known Member
I fear getting old but not death.. I fear having to go another 20-40+ years in this kinda pain.. but.. I am sure I thought that 22+ years ago..

I made my peace...and still trying to make it..

Adam Carolla once said.. Why make fun of the elderly? we all are trying to become that.. make fun of stupid people..


Active Member
Nothing to worry about, besides diet and watching what we put into our minds there isnt much we can do about it, 48 and still twisted steel and sex appeal and i can work most into the dirt, it dont come easy but if you make friends with pain it sure helps.


Well-Known Member
I think most people are afraid of really exploring this question... it's kinda easy to answer.. online and all.. but once your actually faced with it.. you take stock of what matters more to you in your life..

few folks die wishing they finished watching the last season of a tv show.. (not saying I am perfect.. I could be doing many other things.. with my puppies.. er.. I mean family...) But I have taken stock of my self.. and still check it from time to time.. (with a lot of management help from wifey/family)


Well-Known Member
From someone in the middle of it (pushing 63): No fear at all, it is what it is or in my youth we said "don't mean nuthin". I am quite exasperated, annoyed and often quite pissed off. No couch potato, have led a very physical life and I just can not do all that I used to. I wake up aching fairly badly, takes a bout an hour of walking around to loosen up and not hurt, physically feel all the injuries of my youth. Not near as strong and if I push it, these weird arthritic things occur. Hell, the machine is wearing out and I pushed it past design specs frequently.

Fortunately, mental acuity is equal to or maybe better(due to experience) than the young me. Frustrations are high because I see things differently than when younger and alot of stuff "we are supposed to be and told to be concerned, care, occupied about are just simple bullshit designed to divert our attention (bread and circuses).

Its been quite a fun, interesting, satisfying, at times thrilling and terrifying ride. Would love another go around


Well-Known Member
I think most people are afraid of really exploring this question... it's kinda easy to answer.. online and all.. but once your actually faced with it.. you take stock of what matters more to you in your life..

few folks die wishing they finished watching the last season of a tv show.. (not saying I am perfect.. I could be doing many other things.. with my puppies.. er.. I mean family...) But I have taken stock of my self.. and still check it from time to time.. (with a lot of management help from wifey/family)
I can say first hand that I used to say I wasn't scared to die. Then I almost died, not like a close call but like a you have ten minutes left to live if we don't operate type thing.

I CHERISH EVERY BREATH I TAKE NOW! Like seriously I get so happy just seeing the sunshine somedays and trees and people everything, it's ridiculous.

as for old age, I'm 28 with the back of a 75 yr old lol. I most def worry about what is in store as the yrs progress. For now I'll take it a day at a time and be happy I'm here to talk to you all at this moment.


Well-Known Member
I can say first hand that I used to say I wasn't scared to die. Then I almost died, not like a close call but like a you have ten minutes left to live if we don't operate type thing.

I CHERISH EVERY BREATH I TAKE NOW! Like seriously I get so happy just seeing the sunshine somedays and trees and people everything, it's ridiculous.

as for old age, I'm 28 with the back of a 75 yr old lol. I most def worry about what is in store as the yrs progress. For now I'll take it a day at a time and be happy I'm here to talk to you all at this moment.

yep.. came darn close myself more times then I would like recount... from age 22+


Well-Known Member
yep.. came darn close myself more times then I would like recount... from age 22+
Me too, that one is the nicest one I can talk about lol. Plus it's the one that changed it all for me.

You must first be young and stupid to become old and wise.

I'm still young and sometimes stupid but def becoming more wise as time progresses. After a while you just get tired of getting burned when you touch stove haha.


Active Member
Hey you young guys , we dont slow down because we are old and weak, we slow down because we got tired of phucking ourselves up and if we go just a little slower, we go home happy and healthy and can still lay it down like a boss.:lol:

Had a boss watch me hop off the last step of a scissor lift. He said ' hey dont do that, your gonna hurt yourself. I said it didnt hurt, he said,,,,,,'it doesnt hurt NOW.
Best advise i ever got.
Use your body, exercise, take some self defense, years or forever if you can. Ignore the mainstream media, its poison, and a lie. Besides we all have enough to do just being the best person we can be without living up to some perverted standard.
And very important, 'When someone shows you who they are,,,,,,,believe them,,,never project your morality on someone else, just because you would never do some backbiting etc doesnt mean others feel the same. If you dont learn to protect yourself, you will become one of two things. Someone who will take anyone as a friend regardless of their character, or someone with very few, but very loyal and true friends, just like you are. After all, we are known by the company we keep.


Well-Known Member
I'm old and have lived a good life. Traveled to many places in and outside of the USA.
So, for me Old is not an issue or either is Death. Look forward to my next adventure.;-)

thump easy

Well-Known Member
im getting old and the grey hair sucks i dont have any pewb that are grey yet lolz but i got grey ones in my noise i try to pluck them all the time i do notice a diffrence with sex i had to have it in the morning and at night almost every night if i could know if i do once a week thats good the drive isnt thier like it use too, my bones hurt and my back hurts i dont jump as high and i dont do as much as i usto does old suck i dont know but i feel like im slowing down my skinn looks weird and gravity is some how playing a part in it... do i fear death well no.. i think it be like jumping out of a plane i have done it before will i do it again im not shure the rush is insain??? but if they did it i know i can do it... thats the feeling i get when i think of the gerny i have come close to death but not quit so im just happy to be hear 2 fatal car recks and still hear.. to lay and rot well i wont be thier so it wont mater...


Ya, I have to agree with the dude in his 60s. I'm still a kid, in all reality. I'm in my early 20's. BUT, I've already experieced alot and I know there is so much more ahead and sometimes that is overwheliming and tireing. I also have alot of family and friends who are gone who I am hopeing I will see when my time comes. If I don't...I jist cease to exist. It USE to scare the shit out of me. Now I think it really is quite peaceful oblivion to make up for the hustle and grind of life

But' I'm not suicidal, sometimes depressed is all. And I still look foward to the long road ahead of me as a young man.