Well-Known Member
Glenn Beck and the "RUSH" make for a great team!!!! I mean they do bring a lot of the political world to at least me, I dont keep up with anything now adays cause everything is so fucked up now.
I like glenn beck in that I feel he is a good man with good intentions, he has drawn important topics to my attention as a libertarian, but I don't know if he does it for ratings or what but he is very carefull with his wordings and he does cater sometimes to the right wing agenda. Sharia law, this is basically like the right wing take on the whole NWO conspiracy, he combines "muslim extremist" fears with the common knowledge of the conspiracy theorist to make it into sort of the right wing spin on the NWO, I don't know I think Glenn Beck is good for america in one sense in that hopefully he is inspirational for people to investigate the topics he discuses further, but he really gets offbase sometimes and jumps on the bandwagons of demonization campaigns, be it demonizing the left or any other group the right is demonizing at the time, I am not so sure Glenn is much of a libertarian or constitutionalists as he claims due to these half-truths and right wing media leanings. Anyway I hope his new show is better I have been watch bits here and there and I have seen some good episodes.
Tell you what fellow libertarians and fellow constitutionalists, watch glenn beck, see what hes talking about and then investigate the topic further while disregarding the rhetoric, especially on the topics that he seemingly demonizes entire groups of people. The more extreme conspiracy theorist people like Alex Jones will go as far as to say that Glenn beck is an intentional attempt of the Globalist to thwart the libertarian movement in this country, to keep them offtrack, or deceive them in to following him. In my view its not that elaborate or sinister, I feel like mr beck could be at best on the right wing payroll but I feel his concerns are often fairly genuine, and also because his careful choice of words for ratings purposes it can seem like there is more to the story of Glenn Beck when really I feel he is basically just a former right wing nutjob that had his eyes opened one day, even if they are only partially open.